"Immediately vindicated" is going to be a sentence I try to sneak in to every conversation I have.
25677: Penguin - Tuesday, May 4 2021 - 5:16 AM
I'd say this is going to be bad for her character development, but this is Burk's story.
Everybody here is the character equivalent of a lead bullet. You don't really expect them to change, you just hit them with things at high speeds and watch the carnage.
25678: Whimbrel - Tuesday, May 4 2021 - 8:29 AM
I love how quickly everyone's come to investigate the Official Table
Piper "Feels good being on top" Pol
"Immediately vindicated" is going to be a sentence I try to sneak in to every conversation I have.
I'd say this is going to be bad for her character development, but this is Burk's story.
Everybody here is the character equivalent of a lead bullet. You don't really expect them to change, you just hit them with things at high speeds and watch the carnage.
I love how quickly everyone's come to investigate the Official Table