Creepy power volunteer ?! How long does that power last I wonder
24668: Tnoz - Sunday, February 21 2021 - 8:06 AM
Tell Cherry about the Surge-Cover spirit weapons. To Gazz's one-sided rivalry alive, and also because I'm curious as to what she would create.
24669: Ahi a - Sunday, February 21 2021 - 9:04 AM
I love this gang.
24670: Brilliand - Sunday, February 21 2021 - 11:38 AM
I suspect that if Cillia touched Noah against his will, he would be able to use his power to counter hers. I kinda want to watch that happen.
24671: Whispers of Sorrow - Sunday, February 21 2021 - 12:00 PM
I think it's time for their famous battlecry:
Fortunately for Cherry and Jamal, they should easily outpace their Cillia buddy.
Now who's been spreading porkies about Cherry? I blame junior officer Hearty Mcfakesmile.
Also: Why is Mr Eyebleeder being held up as the height of martial skill? He's just stubborn - and look where it got him. Cherry's never needed to self harm to get her magic working.
24672: Brilliand - Sunday, February 21 2021 - 12:47 PM
@Whispers of Sorrow I think Gazz is being held up as the height of martial skill because of the truly ridiculous feat he pulled off at the end of that last fight.
He created a storm of swords worthy of Ariara, and he did it despite Glasses Guy trying to shut him down. I doubt Cherry is capable of that, even with Noah teaching her.
24673: Jack - Sunday, February 21 2021 - 4:34 PM
@Whispers of Sorrow
The man kicked the ass of everyone there himself included. He has the raw talent, now he just needs the training to be able to do it safely.
24674: Darius Drake - Sunday, February 21 2021 - 4:48 PM
@ Brilliand: Personally, I was thinking that if Cillia touched Noah, it would be a death flag... for Cillia. After all, I'm expecting Noah to, at some point, become the "Mage" in Burks plan, with Tobi being the "Girl" and 3 being the "Robot". That's right, I'm assuming that Burk's plan for great heroics is going to succeed with the three main protagonists becoming the members of his group and directly interacting with him.
24675: KueiVolonte - Sunday, February 21 2021 - 9:10 PM
So are all of us gonna ignore that Hevel's been doing it to us for a few pages now or
24676: traver - Sunday, February 21 2021 - 11:52 PM
Why don't they just take Hevel?
24680: Whispers of Sorrow - Monday, February 22 2021 - 2:40 AM
@Brilliand: Cherry's been consistently better at everything than the eyebleeder, I see no reason to doubt her capabilities. Of course, it may be impossible to pull off that sword weather trick without eye damage... but in that case, why would anyone sane even *want* to pull it off?
Boy, these kids are touchy!
Cherry didn't say no.
Creepy power volunteer ?! How long does that power last I wonder
Tell Cherry about the Surge-Cover spirit weapons. To Gazz's one-sided rivalry alive, and also because I'm curious as to what she would create.
I love this gang.
I suspect that if Cillia touched Noah against his will, he would be able to use his power to counter hers. I kinda want to watch that happen.
I think it's time for their famous battlecry:
Fortunately for Cherry and Jamal, they should easily outpace their Cillia buddy.
Now who's been spreading porkies about Cherry? I blame junior officer Hearty Mcfakesmile.
Also: Why is Mr Eyebleeder being held up as the height of martial skill? He's just stubborn - and look where it got him. Cherry's never needed to self harm to get her magic working.
@Whispers of Sorrow I think Gazz is being held up as the height of martial skill because of the truly ridiculous feat he pulled off at the end of that last fight.
He created a storm of swords worthy of Ariara, and he did it despite Glasses Guy trying to shut him down. I doubt Cherry is capable of that, even with Noah teaching her.
@Whispers of Sorrow
The man kicked the ass of everyone there himself included. He has the raw talent, now he just needs the training to be able to do it safely.
@ Brilliand: Personally, I was thinking that if Cillia touched Noah, it would be a death flag... for Cillia. After all, I'm expecting Noah to, at some point, become the "Mage" in Burks plan, with Tobi being the "Girl" and 3 being the "Robot". That's right, I'm assuming that Burk's plan for great heroics is going to succeed with the three main protagonists becoming the members of his group and directly interacting with him.
So are all of us gonna ignore that Hevel's been doing it to us for a few pages now or
Why don't they just take Hevel?
@Brilliand: Cherry's been consistently better at everything than the eyebleeder, I see no reason to doubt her capabilities. Of course, it may be impossible to pull off that sword weather trick without eye damage... but in that case, why would anyone sane even *want* to pull it off?