24196: Bisected - Saturday, January 2 2021 - 4:10 AM
One of the few situations where avoiding cats is the best option.
24197: UnknownID - Saturday, January 2 2021 - 4:51 AM
It's safe now, but it wan't awhile ago :D
24198: noname - Saturday, January 2 2021 - 5:50 AM
Yeah, this isn't really the time or place to be picky, Noah. Just trust the spirit you've been warned not to trust and it will all work out in the end.
24199: Tor - Saturday, January 2 2021 - 6:14 AM
When you think about how this is likely the work of a single magic user, then it does give a little perspective to why they are such a problem for the world.
That damage was done by a single cat.
And apperently there are 40 of them.
Im wondering now if this is caused by the old. I have trouble believing anyone else is this strong.
24200: Chrones - Saturday, January 2 2021 - 10:25 AM
But what if Ciel is just leading him into a situation where Noah would need to use his power. She really wants him to use it more, so she might be cunningly devising a situation where he will have little to no choice!
24201: Lord_Incaros - Saturday, January 2 2021 - 9:04 PM
@Tor Have you forgotten about Mr Sunshine? He is FAR more destructive then 40 cats. The army of buff cats is small potatos compared to that.
24202: Brilliand - Saturday, January 2 2021 - 10:05 PM
@Chrones I doubt Ciel would seek out a situation where the options are "use your power or die", simply because she's afraid he would choose the latter. However, she might go for a technically safe situation where the options are "use your power or get grossed out".
24204: A Loquacious Theorizer - Sunday, January 3 2021 - 12:29 AM
@Lord_Incaros The bubbles that the Muscle Cat used to neutralize the guard were described as "gooey muscle baloons" by Ciel in https://neorice.com/hoh_1737 .
Kimberly does not have a muscle theme, and was extremely effective in guaranteeing that no one would escape custody in the illusion scene.
One of the few situations where avoiding cats is the best option.
It's safe now, but it wan't awhile ago :D
Yeah, this isn't really the time or place to be picky, Noah. Just trust the spirit you've been warned not to trust and it will all work out in the end.
When you think about how this is likely the work of a single magic user, then it does give a little perspective to why they are such a problem for the world.
That damage was done by a single cat.
And apperently there are 40 of them.
Im wondering now if this is caused by the old. I have trouble believing anyone else is this strong.
But what if Ciel is just leading him into a situation where Noah would need to use his power. She really wants him to use it more, so she might be cunningly devising a situation where he will have little to no choice!
@Tor Have you forgotten about Mr Sunshine? He is FAR more destructive then 40 cats. The army of buff cats is small potatos compared to that.
@Chrones I doubt Ciel would seek out a situation where the options are "use your power or die", simply because she's afraid he would choose the latter. However, she might go for a technically safe situation where the options are "use your power or get grossed out".
@Lord_Incaros The bubbles that the Muscle Cat used to neutralize the guard were described as "gooey muscle baloons" by Ciel in https://neorice.com/hoh_1737 .
Kimberly does not have a muscle theme, and was extremely effective in guaranteeing that no one would escape custody in the illusion scene.