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  • The Happy Spork

Neoriceisgood's avatar
Monday, December 14 2020 - 1:47 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Taking on every single hero.

An unlikely scenario.

24016: A Loquacious Theorizer - Monday, December 14 2020 - 1:51 AM

This is the most excited we have seen Burk... ever, I think.
Burk really is a battle maniac.

24017: Zyzyzyryxy - Monday, December 14 2020 - 6:24 AM

I hate repeating myself, but I am absolutely sure this is leading to the hero cat fight :D

24018: Purpletail - Monday, December 14 2020 - 9:01 AM


24019: someone - Monday, December 14 2020 - 2:42 PM

I'm sure Burk's just standing there thinking "I was caught with my pants down with as many witnesses as possible, once. It was a good time."

24020: Guest - Tuesday, December 15 2020 - 12:10 AM

Third panel typo, "WE" should be "WHO" by my reckoning. I wanted to mention the pants thing, but someone beat me to it, so no further commentary...

24021: Taran Alvein - Tuesday, December 15 2020 - 5:31 AM


24022: UnknownID - Tuesday, December 15 2020 - 7:38 AM

What's a nightmare for the one might be the best dream ever for another one :D Love that glittering effect <3

24023: Bogg - Tuesday, December 15 2020 - 9:00 AM


24024: Sandman366 - Tuesday, December 15 2020 - 9:00 PM

Burk, no!

Not yet, anyway. Not until they're proven bad guys or challenge you first. (If it happens, PLEASE let that be on panel....)

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