Monday, September 28 2020 - 1:25 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

A lot heavier than he looks.
Well yeah, he's mostly made of metal.
... at least , I think he is? I don't really know.
Well yeah, he's mostly made of metal.
... at least , I think he is? I don't really know.
The author doesn't know.
I think that means Three is composed entirely of ignorance. Densest stuff there is.
I just realized ... Tobi has a Theme with her Friends loosing their arms. Okay, that was uncalled for. Poor 3.
I hope Tobi can help him and figure out who did this. Maybe JayJays favor to ask for the attacker ID?
brilliand, what you just said was brilliant
Nah, he's at least partly metal. So i'd suggest Ignoranium, an ignorance-steel alloy.
D'oh, after Three put his last-gasp effort into getting the case across the dividing line, Tobi seems to have left it behind on the wrong side.
I think it's a bad sign that Three's arm stump has stopped sparking. And no Glorgh/Glorb/Glugh arm regrowing/summoning seems to be happening.
I wonder whether Shalhia will regard this as a satisfactory conclusion to her mission, though perhaps she would have been hoping to get 'the weapon' back intact. Or maybe she'll actually be able and willing to repair him.
@Brilliand & Some guy: AAA ha haha!
@Some guy - You're right. Ignorance is completely inflexible. There's no way it could bend and move the way Three does.
Since Iā€™ve not seen anyone else suggest it, Iā€™m offering this explanation...
Three tried to reach across the gap. Smile have untold power here and gave Three a warning with this. Donā€™t try to cross the gap.
@Taran Alvein
You can still build joints from it, which is why the typical Ignoramus(Ignorance-based golem) is still capable of some movement and mindbending stupidity.