23307: Straightbackward - Monday, August 31 2020 - 11:58 PM
And we thought The Sight was just a perception thingy. Cool to know those symbiotic cells are a flawless way to test wether a human has The Sight or not. Well except the uncontrolled deformation part on those who "fail" the test. Flawless.
23308: noname - Tuesday, September 1 2020 - 12:56 AM
Ehr... "Disfiguration"? Am I forgetting something...?
23309: Bisected - Tuesday, September 1 2020 - 2:53 AM
I wonder if said people are the ghouls?
23311: The_Squished_Elf - Tuesday, September 1 2020 - 4:50 AM
Wait... is the Paladin a ghoul? Are the ghouls the rejects from the GO’s Paladin Production Line? If so, it’d explain why they seemed noticeably separate from the GO without being obviously organized crime...
23312: Saiko - Tuesday, September 1 2020 - 4:52 AM
Can she grow teeth inside her coochie? Because that would be scary as hell too me. Not immediately off-putting, but still scary.
23313: Leo - Tuesday, September 1 2020 - 7:30 AM
The Squished Elf:
The Paladin is definitely not a Ghoul. She was afraid of the ghouls, and disengaged immediately.
23314: Woodledude - Tuesday, September 1 2020 - 1:10 PM
@Leo: If I was used to fighting small rats, I wouldn't mess around with a human. Kinda the same thing here - If the Paladin *is* a ghoul, and that's basically the reason she's powerful, fighting another ghoul would be pretty terrifying. At least worthy of a tactical retreat in the hopes of backup.
23315: Glo - Tuesday, September 1 2020 - 4:23 PM
Pretty sure the ghouls are characterized by a horn on the side of their head, so unless she's wearing a fleshsuit like beardy from Burk's pirate arc, she probably isn't.
And we thought The Sight was just a perception thingy. Cool to know those symbiotic cells are a flawless way to test wether a human has The Sight or not. Well except the uncontrolled deformation part on those who "fail" the test. Flawless.
Ehr... "Disfiguration"? Am I forgetting something...?
I wonder if said people are the ghouls?
Wait... is the Paladin a ghoul? Are the ghouls the rejects from the GO’s Paladin Production Line? If so, it’d explain why they seemed noticeably separate from the GO without being obviously organized crime...
Can she grow teeth inside her coochie? Because that would be scary as hell too me. Not immediately off-putting, but still scary.
The Squished Elf:
The Paladin is definitely not a Ghoul. She was afraid of the ghouls, and disengaged immediately.
@Leo: If I was used to fighting small rats, I wouldn't mess around with a human. Kinda the same thing here - If the Paladin *is* a ghoul, and that's basically the reason she's powerful, fighting another ghoul would be pretty terrifying. At least worthy of a tactical retreat in the hopes of backup.
Pretty sure the ghouls are characterized by a horn on the side of their head, so unless she's wearing a fleshsuit like beardy from Burk's pirate arc, she probably isn't.