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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Tuesday, June 30 2020 - 1:59 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Leave me out of it.

You'll get no support from Piper on this, Burk.

22475: noname - Tuesday, June 30 2020 - 2:24 AM

Oh, Burk, you li'l rascal, you! Also, I'm obviously with Pip, here; there's no way Burk didn't set this situation up specifically so he'd be able to fight Goldman probably.

22476: Tom - Tuesday, June 30 2020 - 3:33 AM

So is Goldman going to pay the buff hero to end the fight?

22477: Storm - Tuesday, June 30 2020 - 6:37 AM

Dunno what Burk's so worried about.

I mean, all Pablo really wanted from him was to not fight anyone, get a lot of attention, or tip off the suspects that they're being investigated. So what'd be the issue with one little exhibition match against a primary suspect?

Separately, my guess is that Goldman might have some sort of power to tweak odds that he might use to drive the current match to a close. I mean, the power we've already seen, while very useful, wouldn't by itself seem to make him a very strong fighter.. so presumably he's got another trick up his sleeve that he might be planning to show off here!

22478: Violet - Tuesday, June 30 2020 - 7:10 AM

I assume that the shader has made absolutely zero progress while they were talking.

22479: UnknownID - Tuesday, June 30 2020 - 8:38 AM

Well, Burk, I guess you should have been nicer to Piper before if you would have wanted her support now. :D

22480: Nitrotetrazole - Tuesday, June 30 2020 - 11:59 AM

He promised in good Faith to Pablo that he wouldnt fight. the attenuating circumstances, for someone honorable like Burk, dosent make it any less troublesome that he's breaking his promise

42020: Aston Whiteman - Thursday, May 23 2024 - 2:33 PM

Yeah, Piper knows Burkes true intelligence and wisdom.

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