Monday, March 30 2020 - 12:25 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Opening doors.
On one hand it's nice that Noah's being useful for a change.
On the other hand this is aiding a totalitarian Empire.
On one hand it's nice that Noah's being useful for a change.
On the other hand this is aiding a totalitarian Empire.
Well what is he supposed to do instead???
Oh, Noah... you've really gone and done it now, haven't you, boy? Just because something CAN be done doesn't always mean it SHOULD be done... and you, Ciel? I'm almost kinda beginning to wonder if you've got an agenda with your helpfulness besides just plain helping Noah...
Still, it's nice to help.
Well, he's also keeping himself alive by helping the Totalitarian Empire, because they would happily murder him if he isn't useful.
Next level of training: using the spirit techniques while in astral projection mode.
This is the Noah I imagined, the sort-of spy that doesn't need to use flashy kaboomy magic to be an important asset.
It is very satisfying. :clap:
What's wrong with helping the people that feed and provide for him?
I like how Ciel just teleports around the area and doesn't even bother staying upright. Just floating around to keep herself amused while she helps Noah. Also I think the color palette for these last few comics have been really nice.
Nice work Noah, but now close the door again, please. We don't want your "allies" to get in, do we? ;)
WHat I find the most suspicious about Ciel is that, when she's upside down, her hair stays straight.
How much gel does she use ?
Fuck yeah, Totalitarian empires
How can Noah Surge? I thought that that technique required enthusiastic thoughts...