Wednesday, March 25 2020 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Yep that is definitely all of them, no other kids have ever been mentioned or hinted at.
Yep that is definitely all of them, no other kids have ever been mentioned or hinted at.
" other kids have ever been mentioned or hinted at."
Next scene: The Discord server is burning
free magic user?
Sure, i'll take one.
Must you troll us like this, Neo!? ;-;
Let's not forget chernyl as well.
Wait, I can't remember. Has the person with the ability to jam other powers been identified yet?
Ciel: Useful at remembering things Noah forgets because Noah is an unobservant goob.
Other things Noah has forgotten: Ciel is a part of his subconscious; Ciel is an aspect of Noah's own mind and not a separate entity; Responsibility, Stragey, and Situational Awareness by allowing the Royal Guard to wander off on their own without saying anything before proceeding to spirit-project out of his body and leaving himself lying on the floor of a sewer. I'm sure noothiiing will happen to him in the intervening time.
Time to invade their dreams and get some backstory!!!
That should be Noel (the kid with specs)
You know Noah, when it comes to things like these you're actually surprisingly complimentary from time to time. This is not one of those times.