Sunday, March 1 2020 - 1:48 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Sherman get over here!
Ah yes, Sherman.
From this day forth, guardsman Sherman will be associated with MY BIRTHDAY.
Ah yes, Sherman.
From this day forth, guardsman Sherman will be associated with MY BIRTHDAY.
Happy birthday!
Feels like we're the ones getting the gifts, though! The normal 3 updates/week is already awesome, but daily updates are a real treat! =D
Happy birthday Neo!
Also, out of curiosity, given that Sherman will now be associated with your birthday, does that mean today is Sherman's birthday too? Food for thought at the very least, I figure.
Happy Birthday, Neo! And thank you for the dailies, they were fun while they lasted!
Happy Birthday Neo!
Happy Birthday man.
Happy Celebration of Arbitrary Timepoints of Your Aging Procedure!
If they invaded the docks instead, would this guy be a fi-Sherman?
I'll show myself out.
Ps.: Thank you for your continous great work, extra thank you for the temporary dailies!
Happy birthday! thank you for all the wonderfull comics you've made!
Happy birthday!
Glowing red eyes? Is he even a human?
Happy birthday! for both neo and possibly Sherman
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Neoriceisgood. Happy birthday to you!
Nice to see Sherman, who competes with Grandpa to be my favourite character of no plot relevance.
Happy birthday!
Hmmm, Sherman looks fairly different from the other guards and also has a name. I wonder if he's somehow involved with Malhart or maybe he's just another side character.
Happy Birthday!
Hot damn! You're a day and many years older than me! March 2nd baby here!
Be sure to thank your parents!
Happy Birth Day!
Happy Birthday Sherman ... errr I mean Neo!
Happy birthday
Welcome back Sherman!
Also, happy birthday Neorice, I guess.
Happy birthday, Sherman!
So only one guard has a full faceguard making his actual face completely invisible?
This is certainly not suspicious in the least.
Also, Bappy Hirthday.
Happy birthday, and only a slightest, tiniest hangover by tomorrow.
That Sherman guy looks suspicious... actually all of them look suspicious. And did they know about the "soldiers" visiting? Apparently so.
This is no ordinary guard... Seems highly suspicious and a probable opponent for the royal guards?
Also: Happy Birthday, neo! :D
Huh. The guard from Noahs group in the elf attack was named Herman and also had red eyes...
Happy Birthday Neo! I do hope it's been a very nice one. :)
So I'm expecting the train to be attacked by this army and the red eyed soldier to be some sort of empowered evildoer who'll try to take out Noah and the royal guards.
Happy Sherman Day, Mr. Author!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Have good party hopefully and hope Sherman doesn't die. Sherman is a nice dude.
Happy birthday.
Thank you for another year of great comics.
@Cluedrew: No past me you are thinking of Herman. A completely different well developed character.
Happy Birthday!!
Ngl that guy looks like the elfdream villains.
Happy no-longer-your-birthday, Neorice!
Sherman looks not suspicious at all. Definitely couldn't be Malhart or that guy that was near graduation when he defected to Malhart. That would just be silly.
Well, happy birthday, but also I hope you didn't also doom it to being absolutely bodied by the royal imperial guards.
That would definitely be a terrible birthday.
Nooo, I was way for a week and now this.
Happy belated birthday and thank you for still going strong on this wonderful comic.
Welp. Guess that's what i get for not checking HoH regularly.
Bit late, but happy birthday neorice. Hope you had a good weekend.
Is Sherman the Guard related to Herman the Guard?