Monday, May 25 2009 - 11:04 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

Pub Brawl #5
Hahahah, I bet all of you expected Bandit & Burk would fight already.
That'd just make too much sense, nah, other things will happen before that'll ever happen.
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Well, the titles have been pub brawl, not utter destruction of the pub, so XD
I hope Burk washes his chin too.
Random flag love <3
Neoriceisgood, if you start creating anti-climaxes as frequently as a certain B. Clevinger does, I swear I'll shoot a puppy. So think of the puppies and don't do more than one anti-climax per 100 comics xD
Burk's assessment abilities never cease to amuse me :D
If it came down to saving the world with dirty hands, or letting the world be destroyed, but have clean hands... I wonder what he'd choose.
And Pablo, your flag is FABULOOUUUS
Epic BANDIT PROD is epic.
The third bathroom stall...
Female, Male, and the Obese? D:
Is that a hoofprint on his face? Up until he said "bull", I had completely forgotten he had been mauled by one.
I think the bathroom stalls are women, peasants and MIGHTY WARRIORS! in that order.
I think the stalls read women,men,and monsters -nods-.I was hoping Burk and the Bandit would get into an epic battle though.I do wonder why he would be going through all the trouble of beating him up when he was the one causing problems,and we don't even know why he's a bandit.