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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Monday, December 24 2018 - 1:42 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

No need to solve this internally.

Burk the undercover Hero?! Could it be?!

18906: UnknownID - Monday, December 24 2018 - 2:56 AM

If Burk is a undercover hero then he seems to be more like a Johnny English type of spy. :D

18907: random - Monday, December 24 2018 - 3:31 AM

1TH seat? Are you sure about that?

On the other hand, a disguise for Burk now might sound a good idea, although I seriously doubt he can pull any of that off. (The best I can think of is the classic Groucho glasses/nose/mustache and a "definitely not Burk" card to ensure credibility...)

18908: Cromire - Monday, December 24 2018 - 4:14 AM

I am going to bet on that Burk is son of leader of the Oceanic Cartel and that he has a some rather interesting siblings that we may have already heard about >.>

18909: MatthewTheLucky - Monday, December 24 2018 - 8:23 AM

Send in the assassins!

18910: Departure_Dave - Monday, December 24 2018 - 8:54 AM

Burk: Not to be taken internally.

18911: Bogg - Monday, December 24 2018 - 10:48 AM

Well, there are two possibilities. Either there is more to Burk than meets the eye, or he is exactly what you see.
Either possibility is...disturbing.

18912: King Random - Monday, December 24 2018 - 1:08 PM

I agree @cromire. He's probably classified because of his mom's position (Oceanic Cartel Employee/Spy/Leader/Undercover hero to destroy them (their insignia was on her apron)), and mavbe his brother (all Burk's experience was from wrestling with him).

18913: Guest - Monday, December 24 2018 - 1:16 PM

I cannot see how Burk could be under-cover. Full coverage would be at odds with his... pants issues.

18914: Cluedrew - Monday, December 24 2018 - 2:48 PM

@Bogg: That is a insightful and hilarious observation.

18915: Storm - Monday, December 24 2018 - 3:53 PM

Kinda hard to tell who's being shadier here.

The hero-hunter has sources that "would[n't]... hold up in court", and then goes to an executive board that he probably knows doesn't and can't have the information on Burk due to their security level. That all sounds pretty sketchy.

But then the execs don't want to contact HQ even when it seems pretty obvious that they should, at least under normal circumstances. Worst-case scenario, they should get kudos for properly reporting an issue that the top-execs would be interested in; but, there'd also be a chance that they'd get increased security clearances and attention from the top-execs in handling this issue, which would seem like a great career move (especially in the mind of middle-management types). But, instead, they want to avoid what seems like a good career move.. and, instead, seem to suggest that they have an ulterior external agency to work with.

But, even though both sides are showing clear signs of shadiness, they don't seem to be on the exact same side -- suggesting that they may be shady for different reasons.

Pablo-'n-friends may have a lot of intrigue to unravel here...

18916: The_Squished_Elf - Monday, December 24 2018 - 4:52 PM

@King Random
Perhaps his brother is Balthazar Beauregard, the 2nd most wanted man in the world... They seem to have similar face shapes. http://neorice.com/hoh_721

18917: Exasperation - Tuesday, December 25 2018 - 12:41 AM

Side effects may include bruises, bleeding, loss of teeth, and loss of pants.

18918: MatthewTheLucky - Tuesday, December 25 2018 - 3:22 PM

Burk, short for Beaurkegard.

18919: Kasel - Tuesday, December 25 2018 - 9:11 PM

1th seat? Now that's next level.

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