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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Friday, May 11 2018 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Clear enough.

Sweet, another ward filled with colorful individuals.

17186: Centaur - Friday, May 11 2018 - 12:21 AM

Nice carpeting there.

Be afraid, guys. Be very afraid.

17187: Conchord - Friday, May 11 2018 - 12:46 AM

What a lovely rug they're all stood on . . .

17188: Bisected - Friday, May 11 2018 - 1:59 AM

Uh oh, it's THE FLOOR!

17189: Mohegan - Friday, May 11 2018 - 2:27 AM

Dangit, I was really digging the design of these guys. But there have to be some expendables in the game.

17190: Silver - Friday, May 11 2018 - 3:18 AM

Not really relevant to the comic, but I have to say that I keep getting impressed by the visual diversity of characters in this comic. Even insignificant ones (Though these particular two could be significant for all I know). How can you make so many faces with so few pixels Neo? :P

Relevant to the comic: I wonder if the gang member is an undercover cop.

17191: Chameon - Friday, May 11 2018 - 3:56 AM

@Silver: If I had to guess, they're both cops. Walking around with gang emblems, and yet having a cop freely boasting about how he can get your type to incriminate themselves by simply wearing a wire seems....strange if you're actually from a gang.

17192: TheMegax - Friday, May 11 2018 - 4:20 AM

A saboteur? a "challenge quite suited for your role"? A room filled with checkered flooring?

Something seems very wrong here...

17193: Wisp - Friday, May 11 2018 - 6:44 AM

uh-oh...could be a free-for-all in this room...

17194: Saiko - Friday, May 11 2018 - 7:47 AM

Maybe they are two cops, and Smile wants them to be dispatched by Paladin just for the evulz.

17195: Jack - Friday, May 11 2018 - 12:41 PM

Let me guess, they couldn't bribe him so they're going for the next best thing?

17196: TheMegax - Friday, May 11 2018 - 4:39 PM

Tobi, Levin, Fox lady and Three: Cleaners

Paladin: Saboteur
Cop and gang member: Unknown

Ok, there are seemingly 20 players in the game, and so far we have encountered 7. I wonder how many roles this experiment has...

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