14945: Atlas - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 12:04 AM
Time for Noah to pull out with the win (just kidding everyone knows that for some reason Noah is unable to consciously be cool)
14946: HanMK - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 12:31 AM
Oh hi Veda c: Quite the tan you've got there. Wonder if it's just for the benefit of Mister Garland...
14947: Daran - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 12:34 AM
Let me guess. They deem Natalie unworthy, steal/remove her powers, she mysteriously "vanishes", someone else gets her powers, thats how Moe the shifter got some. Meanwhile the others believe she was sent to special training.
Or I just see conspiracies everywhere ...
14948: Saiko - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 12:50 AM
The hat is big, but not big enough to prevent tanning.
14949: Whispers of Sorrow - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 12:50 AM
Maybe they really are supposed to use the "bully Felix" option?
14950: Tom - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 12:57 AM
Not a fun of the sun, huh?
14951: Potatopeelerkind - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 2:55 AM
I keep reading Lina as lima. She does have that yellow-green lima bean theme going on.
14952: Bisected - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 4:02 AM
Hey, it's that guy again.
14953: someone - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 5:44 AM
why did people leap for "tan" before "objects block sunlight"
14954: 5 - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 6:39 AM
Nail was taller in my memories.
14955: Neoriceisgood - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 6:41 AM
Considering he was partied up with all time shorty Aude back then, that might've colored your perception.
Veda is enormous, Garth is tall & Natalie is one of the taller kids.
14956: Mapsal - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 7:57 AM
Garland, eh?
A Final Fantasy reference, or a name you randomly came up with?
14957: Saiko - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 8:00 AM
Because she is too dark for just shade. Her face and hair would be brightened by ambient light (if it was a photo).
Though, judging by Nail's attire, the sun must be a killer in this land.
14958: random - Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 10:22 AM
Dunno, on the last panel Miss Veda looks like an elf to me for some reason...
15511: Louch - Saturday, December 30 2017 - 10:49 PM
Natalie's legs on this page are different from the previous and next pages she appears in.
Time for Noah to pull out with the win (just kidding everyone knows that for some reason Noah is unable to consciously be cool)
Oh hi Veda c: Quite the tan you've got there. Wonder if it's just for the benefit of Mister Garland...
Let me guess. They deem Natalie unworthy, steal/remove her powers, she mysteriously "vanishes", someone else gets her powers, thats how Moe the shifter got some. Meanwhile the others believe she was sent to special training.
Or I just see conspiracies everywhere ...
The hat is big, but not big enough to prevent tanning.
Maybe they really are supposed to use the "bully Felix" option?
Not a fun of the sun, huh?
I keep reading Lina as lima. She does have that yellow-green lima bean theme going on.
Hey, it's that guy again.
why did people leap for "tan" before "objects block sunlight"
Nail was taller in my memories.
Considering he was partied up with all time shorty Aude back then, that might've colored your perception.
Veda is enormous, Garth is tall & Natalie is one of the taller kids.
Garland, eh?
A Final Fantasy reference, or a name you randomly came up with?
Because she is too dark for just shade. Her face and hair would be brightened by ambient light (if it was a photo).
Though, judging by Nail's attire, the sun must be a killer in this land.
Dunno, on the last panel Miss Veda looks like an elf to me for some reason...
Natalie's legs on this page are different from the previous and next pages she appears in.