Monday, November 13 2017 - 3:19 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Cry in a ditch.
There's that famous trademarked Tobi optimism!
Let's leap into another hellhole of an adventure~
There's that famous trademarked Tobi optimism!
Let's leap into another hellhole of an adventure~
Happy Tobi is best Tobi :D
We must imagine Si- Tobi happy! ;p
In for a penny, in for a pound - death game edition.
I guess it makes sense for Tobi to see this as normal, given her life dungeoneering.
Don't just sign stuff, Tobi! Last time I signed something without reading it, I lost internet access for a year!
Honestly, Tobi doesn't have a lot of good options. This may actually, really be her best bet. At the very least, it's playing to her strengths, that's what makes it so tempting.
My only worry is...
How will another TV game help us understand what's going on in Tobi's story ?
Reading comics is a trust game too.
And thus began Tobi's long career as a blood sport athlete.
Wait, do we call professional blood sport people athletes? It's somehow never come up before.
Funny, at first when i saw the second to last Panel i thought it was a 3DS....i guess i Play to much handheld games.