Sunday, November 12 2017 - 4:55 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Trust Game.
I think the writing is on the wall how this particular set up can backfire, right? :3
I think the writing is on the wall how this particular set up can backfire, right? :3
Hah... this reminds me of the liar games. And I'm sure Three's gonna ace as the con man, since he has the perfect poker face ;|
Yeah the trust comes from Tobi trusting them to not sell her organs on the black market
Ah, the classic prisoners in a dungeon dilemma. :p
There is no honour among trust game players.
It continues being hard to determine if these people are honest or not.
I hope Tobi doesn't agree to this before she learns why they would want her to do any of this...
I thoroughly enjoy the fact that they adjusted Tobi's icon to accomodate her height and color scheme.
so, no mindscrew. not yet. Tobi's just like. "dude. *children* can handle this shit in my hometown. you saying I do one dungeon run, and I go free? bring it."
There are 12 icons on the wall. Tobi and 3 are two of them.
Neo is going to create sprites and personalities for the other 10, isn't he?
You know that aside from basic guards & silhouetted townsfolk, basically every single character I create for my comic gets unique artwork regardless of importance. :)
@Neo yeah and who could forget our glorious Giraffe-Headed leader, WHO SHALL TOPPLE THE HEAVENS (and most likely is never to be seen in this comic again unless he once again is hiding in the background plotting)
This is because @Neo is a hardcore masochist whose outlets are writing and art.
If there isn't one Nerdy character with glasses among the team, then I will be dissapointed, Neo :P
Hahaha, why will you be disappointed? Need more glasses wearing chars in HoH? :)
For whatever reason I always expect that there will be one glass wearing nerd trying to use his smarts in multiple people dungeon runs/tests, sometimes succeeding.
Maybe I watched to much Anime in my life ...