259: Strike Reyhi - Friday, April 24 2009 - 3:13 AM
Just read finished going through the archive, fun stuff! I thought the text boxes were rather neat but i can see why they might have gotten dropped as it probably made writing more than two people conversing difficult.
260: Atlas - Friday, April 24 2009 - 3:15 AM
The Emperor has an awesome entourage.
261: smk - Friday, April 24 2009 - 5:01 AM
/agree with strike, the boxes were awesome.
262: APunkPrincess - Friday, April 24 2009 - 8:38 AM
Indeed, i also liked the boxes, the facial expressions were more noticeable.
263: Tom - Friday, April 24 2009 - 9:16 AM
Meh, I like it more without the boxes, the speech bubbles are more awesome.
264: Talvan - Friday, April 24 2009 - 10:31 AM
Eloy=Favorite Character
265: Thrawn - Friday, April 24 2009 - 11:41 AM
Eloy's right.
(unless he isn't, in which case, it's totally because I *had* in fact called it)
[/channeling Eloy]
270: Henredeit - Saturday, April 25 2009 - 4:36 AM
Your pixel arts are an inspiration ;D great comic you have here, i'll be watching it O.O
1164: A.L. - Saturday, October 31 2009 - 6:53 PM
Elroy's awesomeness and absent-mindedness is on par with Dr. McHobo,PhD.
And then a drunken orgy happened. The end. :3
Just read finished going through the archive, fun stuff! I thought the text boxes were rather neat but i can see why they might have gotten dropped as it probably made writing more than two people conversing difficult.
The Emperor has an awesome entourage.
/agree with strike, the boxes were awesome.
Indeed, i also liked the boxes, the facial expressions were more noticeable.
Meh, I like it more without the boxes, the speech bubbles are more awesome.
Eloy=Favorite Character
Eloy's right.
(unless he isn't, in which case, it's totally because I *had* in fact called it)
[/channeling Eloy]
Your pixel arts are an inspiration ;D great comic you have here, i'll be watching it O.O
Elroy's awesomeness and absent-mindedness is on par with Dr. McHobo,PhD.