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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Thursday, May 4 2017 - 2:38 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Prison Pants.

What devious deviousness are you plotting Burk?

And will Pablo like the end result...?

12546: Bisected - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 3:08 AM

The trousers came as a pair, it seems.

12547: Tom - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 3:23 AM

Burk can be incredibly clever at times. Scary.

12548: J - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 3:31 AM

Pablo is getting really good at speaking Burk.

I still wanna see him and Ariana throw down though.

12549: giovanni - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 3:39 AM

well, its the first time burk plan so extensively

12550: Scarred Wrable - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 3:39 AM

plan plan carefully planned plan

take off your pants burk

12551: whitemanpt - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 4:44 AM

she dosent stand a chanse against his pants

12552: xcom - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 5:32 AM

I like to think burk has a completely diffrent plan and the diplomat is just misinterpreting it.

12553: Silver - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 9:25 AM


12554: verycoolname - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 10:05 AM

did Burk have prison pants when he first met Araria?

Also prison pants is a lot more fun to say than it should be.

12555: Mystik - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 11:15 AM

I have no clue if Burk actually has a plan, or if he's saying random things so the diplomat will come up with a plan for him.

12556: David Argall - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 4:19 PM

Of course the diplomat's plan is different. It is based on knowledge and brains. It will also be ruined by Burk very quickly.

12557: pkrcel - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 4:47 PM

Burk is actually the BEST-written comic character EVER.

and I really mean it.

12558: Zed - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 8:54 PM


Yes, he got them just before the armory came down.

12559: nitro - Thursday, May 4 2017 - 8:59 PM

it drives me cray-cray how its practically impossible to tell wether Burk is an idiot or actually a pretty smart guy

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