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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 12:12 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

For cosmetics.

Why does 3 have to work? He too, is only here for cosmetic reasons. :<

12386: Tom - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 12:21 AM

Looks like the perfect job for Tobi. Can't wait for the old guy to have a heart attack when he sees the impossibly good job she'll have done.

@Neo - I'm guessing there's a typo on panel 2, old guy is saying "trolling", maybe you meant "strolling" :P

12387: Conchord - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 12:40 AM

@Tom, trolling can also mean 'fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat. In this case Neo got it right ;)

12388: Brilliand - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 12:59 AM

@Tom - "Trolling" works here, "strolling" really doesn't. He won't be walking on water; trolling is basically fishing.

12389: Scarred Wrable - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 1:12 AM

Dont be an arse to three sir, for three is a licenced asskicker

12390: Potatopeelerkind - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 1:25 AM

She's going to touch it. There's no damn way she's not going to touch it.

Fortunately for us and her, she actually knows how to use and fix technology, so that's probably actually a good thing. Any other character and narrative tropes basically guarantees that it'll get destroyed à la Ferris Bueller.

12391: Potatopeelerkind - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 1:27 AM

@Tom No, trolling seems right. It's a method of fishing, which is basically what he's doing.

12392: Pirate-Rob - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 1:58 AM

Wouldn't he be trawling for scrap in the water, not trolling?

12393: someone - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 2:09 AM

"Trolling" isn't a typo, its original meaning is "fishing".

Internet trolling is literally "fishing for argument".

That said, I think "aesthetics" would work better than "cosmetics".

12394: C - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 4:26 AM

The motorbike is like a gun on the table lol

12395: Alcemon - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 5:14 AM

Neorice is trolling us by using the word trolling in that context...

12396: Bisected - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 5:46 AM

It's been many a year since I've seen trolling used in its former sense.

12397: TachyonCode - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 7:26 AM

And here I thought the word should have been "trawling"... though perhaps I'm thinking of what a boat does.

12398: Nitrotetrazole - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 11:18 AM

@tachyon thats actualy what came to my mind too

12399: 5 - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 12:49 PM

3 put his hand on his chin... He's reacting to the motorbike ?

12400: Three - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 2:29 PM

I'm here to kick ass and count numbers, and I've already counted thrice.

12401: Saiko - Wednesday, April 12 2017 - 3:04 PM

Tobi should use her tech-sense on Three, to see how he works. Unless she did and I don't remember that.

12402: Flangan - Thursday, April 13 2017 - 1:16 PM

It just clicked for me that the real world might be just a dungeon for Tobi. Tobi has the scout power like her Friend in the first dungeon.

15043: Louch - Tuesday, November 28 2017 - 11:34 PM

I agree with @Tachyon. "trolling" is definitely meant to be "trawling".

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