8979: Bisected - Wednesday, March 30 2016 - 1:42 AM
He's an understanding fellow. Tough but fair.
8980: JailedCinder - Wednesday, March 30 2016 - 1:57 AM
I can't help but think that, by the last panel, Burk has mostly gauged the threat level of all the knights put together.
... And has likely found them lacking as proper challenge for him.
8981: Storm - Wednesday, March 30 2016 - 3:45 AM
Burk's not allowed to fight, or he'll mess up the verbal wizardy! Worse, he's already used his pants trick and is now notably pantless! What will he do?!
I wonder if Burk might evolve, learning to use other articles of clothing for whatever gambits he usually applies his pants. This would defeat his exhibitionist opponent in two ways:
1. He's even MORE naked now.
2. His exhibitionist opponent is even more clothed!
8982: giovanni - Wednesday, March 30 2016 - 5:12 AM
so the elite guard is also an exhibitionist
will they be friends after the fight?
8983: TheomanZero - Wednesday, March 30 2016 - 5:37 AM
I only just now noticed that Burk took off his headband (though I checked and it actually happened a while ago).
8984: DocStranger - Wednesday, March 30 2016 - 6:57 AM
Finally Burk are gonna get into some action!
8985: whitemanPT - Wednesday, March 30 2016 - 6:58 AM
the number of decent guards just went trought the roof
8986: Probably pixel - Wednesday, March 30 2016 - 9:36 AM
Not 1...
Not 2...
But three chapters of burk?
The neorice giveth!
8987: Tom - Wednesday, March 30 2016 - 10:09 AM
This page has so many good things it's hard to point one out. I like the new elite guard.
8988: Pokemonster2 - Wednesday, March 30 2016 - 11:52 AM
*steps forward* "Nope!"
-burk comic 593
9007: SuperJedi224 - Friday, April 1 2016 - 6:57 AM
So Moe's weakness... is Burk? I guess that makes sense.
9008: Neoriceisgood - Friday, April 1 2016 - 7:01 AM
;) ;) ;) ;)
14026: cossimo - Friday, August 25 2017 - 10:28 PM
i think this is one of my favorite jokes ever.
14466: W - Monday, October 2 2017 - 9:42 AM
I want to make you a slogan t: pants are for the weak. What's your fav color?
He's an understanding fellow. Tough but fair.
I can't help but think that, by the last panel, Burk has mostly gauged the threat level of all the knights put together.
... And has likely found them lacking as proper challenge for him.
Burk's not allowed to fight, or he'll mess up the verbal wizardy! Worse, he's already used his pants trick and is now notably pantless! What will he do?!
I wonder if Burk might evolve, learning to use other articles of clothing for whatever gambits he usually applies his pants. This would defeat his exhibitionist opponent in two ways:
1. He's even MORE naked now.
2. His exhibitionist opponent is even more clothed!
so the elite guard is also an exhibitionist
will they be friends after the fight?
I only just now noticed that Burk took off his headband (though I checked and it actually happened a while ago).
Finally Burk are gonna get into some action!
the number of decent guards just went trought the roof
Not 1...
Not 2...
But three chapters of burk?
The neorice giveth!
This page has so many good things it's hard to point one out. I like the new elite guard.
*steps forward* "Nope!"
-burk comic 593
So Moe's weakness... is Burk? I guess that makes sense.
;) ;) ;) ;)
i think this is one of my favorite jokes ever.
I want to make you a slogan t: pants are for the weak. What's your fav color?