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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Thursday, March 10 2016 - 3:15 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

A true hero.

No true scotchman fallacy, Burk.

8798: whitemanPT - Thursday, March 10 2016 - 3:56 AM

...thats a realy unfortunate place to be sitting pablo...

8799: Franz - Thursday, March 10 2016 - 4:03 AM

A true hero is never fallacious!

8800: Neoriceisgood - Thursday, March 10 2016 - 4:10 AM


It'd be behind Pablo's leg. :p

8801: Bisected - Thursday, March 10 2016 - 4:14 AM

Poor Dr. Livingston. He didn't even know he needed rescuing and now he's excluded from herodom. :p

8802: Sabertooth Lizzie - Thursday, March 10 2016 - 12:05 PM

Am I the only one here that wants a poster of Panel 8 on my wall? :3c

8803: Leo - Thursday, March 10 2016 - 12:37 PM

@Sabertooth Lizzie

Yeah! I might be able to make one this week. I'll post it on the forums or something.

8804: CardiacSchism - Thursday, March 10 2016 - 3:19 PM

@WhitemanPT you naughty knave you

8805: Probably pixel - Thursday, March 10 2016 - 9:41 PM

Burk will not swim to the castle.
The castle swims to Burk.

Allright, new meme. Take a "chuck norris" joke and replace it with burk.
3 2 1 GO

8806: TMShelton - Thursday, March 10 2016 - 11:05 PM

Burk: "I have a plan!"
Everyone else: <sighs in relief>

8807: orangtree - Friday, March 11 2016 - 12:42 AM

Burk's plans: crayon drawings so simple they all make sense in the end

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