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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Wednesday, January 6 2016 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

A thing that people do.

Maybe you should learn to recognise people by their faces instead of haircuts, Noah.

I give characters unique faces on their sprites for a reason, kid.

You get a pass on Nail though.

8394: ButtAirFly - Wednesday, January 6 2016 - 1:44 AM

Prosopagnosia. Also I fancy that frivolous misuse of lipstick too.

8396: Bisected - Wednesday, January 6 2016 - 4:30 AM

That must be either a short message, or very precise lipstick.

8397: UnknownID - Wednesday, January 6 2016 - 4:42 AM

Noah... You shouldn't judge others by your own standards!

Gazz! How could you think Nail is a burglar! He looks sooooo trustworthy! ;)

Isn't lipstick for writing on mirrors only? ;)

8398: Jae - Wednesday, January 6 2016 - 5:10 AM

well they do make smear/oil/water proof lipstick now. So it's almost like using crayons.

8399: giovanni - Wednesday, January 6 2016 - 5:34 AM

silly noah, you don't recognize people by their hair, you recognize them by their clothes and color.

8400: Tssha - Wednesday, January 6 2016 - 9:35 AM

Well, at least I recognized him by face alone!

8401: whitemanPT - Wednesday, January 6 2016 - 10:07 AM

i get the joke i realy do they just throw themselfs at noah those type of girls.

8402: Leo - Wednesday, January 6 2016 - 10:40 AM

"This entire letter is writ(t)en in pink lipstick."

The number of typos have gone down significantly, but I still think you should use spellchecking software.

8403: Neoriceisgood - Wednesday, January 6 2016 - 10:56 AM


Oops, Does Photoshop have any in-built spellcheckers? xD

8404: itblobboy - Wednesday, January 6 2016 - 7:22 PM

No, Noah, you're saying it wrong.

"This letter is written entirely in pink lipstick~"

And do a ;D face.

8405: Rot - Thursday, January 7 2016 - 8:16 PM

Does Gazz have a glass eye? His irises are two different colors, and the darker one doesn't seem to change at all.

Also, in panel eight his eyes swapped colors.

8414: Saiko - Sunday, January 10 2016 - 2:33 PM

If you right-click (or whatever button/device you use for context menu) on a text in Photoshop, there should be an option calling "Check Spelling...". I use a very old Photoshop, CS3, and it has it. You can even tick a checkbox to spell check all the layers at once!

18883: Angel of the Spectrum - Thursday, December 20 2018 - 3:49 PM

Noah's face in the last panel...
It's the most wonderful thing I've seen all day!

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