10354: orangetree - Wednesday, August 31 2016 - 1:01 AM
Now the question is why the ball has two parts.
10355: Goblin Scribe - Wednesday, August 31 2016 - 1:22 AM
You already KNOW the rules...
10356: John - Wednesday, August 31 2016 - 1:32 AM
Yeah! Magic dodgeball!
10357: J - Wednesday, August 31 2016 - 3:03 AM
10358: 2ndShade - Wednesday, August 31 2016 - 3:32 AM
"You look like a man that knows his missile facts!"
10359: Bisected - Wednesday, August 31 2016 - 3:46 AM
Noah's proud enough of his intelligence to rocket.
10360: Tom - Wednesday, August 31 2016 - 4:09 AM
The average student doesn´t know what "missiles" are? Interesting.
I´ve seen magic dodgeball in others comics and yet it´s still fun: Hunter X Hunter, Paranatural, and now here.
10361: Leo - Wednesday, August 31 2016 - 8:11 AM
They were standing so close to the other students; Did Hevel send it flying back?
10362: random - Wednesday, August 31 2016 - 9:53 AM
Judging by his expression on that panel he doesn't consider it to be rocket science...
10363: Jack Morgan - Wednesday, August 31 2016 - 3:24 PM
That's interesting, missiles are used overseas, but not anywhere near Justopia. So, judging by what we've seen, we can assume that the continent the three plotlines all appear to occur on is mostly based around magic and medieval technology, where there is another, more technologically advanced continent across the ocean.
Furthermore, we see that the more advanced military tech does exist here on the main continent, but is pretty rare. The Sherrif I think it was, from Gang Rule Town, had a gun which Pablo said was incredibly rare.
Not sure how any of this is relevant, but it gave me something to do for a few minutes on the bus home.
10364: Hawkeye - Wednesday, August 31 2016 - 7:08 PM
That was easily the best reference I have seen in a very long time. You get an internet cookie.
Now the question is why the ball has two parts.
You already KNOW the rules...
Yeah! Magic dodgeball!
"You look like a man that knows his missile facts!"
Noah's proud enough of his intelligence to rocket.
The average student doesn´t know what "missiles" are? Interesting.
I´ve seen magic dodgeball in others comics and yet it´s still fun: Hunter X Hunter, Paranatural, and now here.
They were standing so close to the other students; Did Hevel send it flying back?
Judging by his expression on that panel he doesn't consider it to be rocket science...
That's interesting, missiles are used overseas, but not anywhere near Justopia. So, judging by what we've seen, we can assume that the continent the three plotlines all appear to occur on is mostly based around magic and medieval technology, where there is another, more technologically advanced continent across the ocean.
Furthermore, we see that the more advanced military tech does exist here on the main continent, but is pretty rare. The Sherrif I think it was, from Gang Rule Town, had a gun which Pablo said was incredibly rare.
Not sure how any of this is relevant, but it gave me something to do for a few minutes on the bus home.
That was easily the best reference I have seen in a very long time. You get an internet cookie.