10129: Anonymous - Wednesday, August 17 2016 - 1:19 AM
Hmmm, Dat delicious foreshadowing. :3
10130: orangetree - Wednesday, August 17 2016 - 1:25 AM
I'm going to assume this new sprite is female, but it can probably go either way.
10131: UnknownID - Wednesday, August 17 2016 - 3:12 AM
Regular Conversation with your reflection? XD Sure! Who doesn't talk regular with the person in the mirror? :D
10132: Storm - Wednesday, August 17 2016 - 6:32 AM
"Naw, I'm not creepy. My powers just let me take over your mind and explore your personal world; maybe tweak your innermost thoughts and identity and such. But the blood thing's unrelated; sometimes people just have bloody explosions around me.
So now that you're comfortable, what's this test?"
10133: Rot - Wednesday, August 17 2016 - 2:31 PM
Schizophrenia is not a magic power.
10134: Jack Morgan - Wednesday, August 17 2016 - 7:16 PM
Since she's only in his head, could Ciel read his thoughts?
If so, Noah might find telepathic communication to be a much less awkward way of telling her to go away.
10135: phyrex - Wednesday, August 17 2016 - 8:10 PM
i feel like at this point noah would be better just coming off clean lol
10137: HeyHo - Wednesday, August 17 2016 - 10:11 PM
Quick Question: Are Ciels words also spoken by Noah's mouth or is he only hearing them in his mind?
The first one would make it much harder to hide Ciel.
Hmmm, Dat delicious foreshadowing. :3
I'm going to assume this new sprite is female, but it can probably go either way.
Regular Conversation with your reflection? XD Sure! Who doesn't talk regular with the person in the mirror? :D
"Naw, I'm not creepy. My powers just let me take over your mind and explore your personal world; maybe tweak your innermost thoughts and identity and such. But the blood thing's unrelated; sometimes people just have bloody explosions around me.
So now that you're comfortable, what's this test?"
Schizophrenia is not a magic power.
Since she's only in his head, could Ciel read his thoughts?
If so, Noah might find telepathic communication to be a much less awkward way of telling her to go away.
i feel like at this point noah would be better just coming off clean lol
Quick Question: Are Ciels words also spoken by Noah's mouth or is he only hearing them in his mind?
The first one would make it much harder to hide Ciel.