watch the nightmares be like 3 steps ahead and that's not actually chernyl, or he wishes her nightmares away and either she's a nightmare OR her best friend is a nightmare or something
39296: Tom - Friday, November 10 2023 - 8:31 AM
Man, Noah having such a crazy power is the epitome of irony.
How long do the wishes take to activate, though?
39297: Fan - Friday, November 10 2023 - 4:37 PM
Two people and an spirit.
39298: player_03 - Friday, November 10 2023 - 6:55 PM
"Agency," "you'll be free of the nightmares," wishing for "something like" her power to end...
Noah never said his wish was to eradicate the nightmares. And he's following the Grey Child's instructions on pain of death. The Grey Child, a nightmare who "sees the big picture."
What if the Grey Child suggested some kind of arrangement where the nightmares became detached from Chernyl, no longer reliant on her? That alone might not be something Noah would accept, so the wish might also involve scattering them far away.
...But how far away is far enough? And what's the big picture that the world-conquering Hallowman supposedly doesn't see? Could the answer be "other worlds?" Worlds like Tobi's, and wherever ghouls come from?
39299: player_03 - Friday, November 10 2023 - 7:05 PM
"That's two people who know exactly what you can do" - by my count, zero people know exactly what Noah can do. Not Chernyl, not Noel, not Ciel, and not Noah.
...Unless Noel's hypothesis on page 2509 turns out to be correct, then it would be one. And I guess Noel's seen a lot of powers in action, so his odds are pretty good.
Actually, it seems likely that the Grey Child understands Noah's power, to be able to give instructions on what wish to make. So it could be two after all. Ok, I retract my correction.
39300: K? - Friday, November 10 2023 - 7:48 PM
…so… Noah’s lost her, right? She’s so far out of the loop she doesn’t know about the loop and he’s saying some unbelievable things. She’s gonna laugh in his face or yell at him for trying to decieve her, right?
39301: Cellphone - Friday, November 10 2023 - 8:13 PM
Spring the bad news already, Noah.
39302: que - Friday, November 10 2023 - 2:15 PM
well that's worrisome, wishing for her to be 'free of nightmares' could just translate to 'dies' or 'goes brain-dead'..
39303: zet - Friday, November 10 2023 - 4:52 PM
I expect to see hallowman appear real soon
39304: Maiker - Saturday, November 11 2023 - 2:01 AM
iirc Hallowman did mention that he hid Chernyl so deep even he cannot reach her anymore
watch the nightmares be like 3 steps ahead and that's not actually chernyl, or he wishes her nightmares away and either she's a nightmare OR her best friend is a nightmare or something
Man, Noah having such a crazy power is the epitome of irony.
How long do the wishes take to activate, though?
Two people and an spirit.
"Agency," "you'll be free of the nightmares," wishing for "something like" her power to end...
Noah never said his wish was to eradicate the nightmares. And he's following the Grey Child's instructions on pain of death. The Grey Child, a nightmare who "sees the big picture."
What if the Grey Child suggested some kind of arrangement where the nightmares became detached from Chernyl, no longer reliant on her? That alone might not be something Noah would accept, so the wish might also involve scattering them far away.
...But how far away is far enough? And what's the big picture that the world-conquering Hallowman supposedly doesn't see? Could the answer be "other worlds?" Worlds like Tobi's, and wherever ghouls come from?
"That's two people who know exactly what you can do" - by my count, zero people know exactly what Noah can do. Not Chernyl, not Noel, not Ciel, and not Noah.
...Unless Noel's hypothesis on page 2509 turns out to be correct, then it would be one. And I guess Noel's seen a lot of powers in action, so his odds are pretty good.
Actually, it seems likely that the Grey Child understands Noah's power, to be able to give instructions on what wish to make. So it could be two after all. Ok, I retract my correction.
…so… Noah’s lost her, right? She’s so far out of the loop she doesn’t know about the loop and he’s saying some unbelievable things. She’s gonna laugh in his face or yell at him for trying to decieve her, right?
Spring the bad news already, Noah.
well that's worrisome, wishing for her to be 'free of nightmares' could just translate to 'dies' or 'goes brain-dead'..
I expect to see hallowman appear real soon
iirc Hallowman did mention that he hid Chernyl so deep even he cannot reach her anymore