Nail and now Noah too... the Hallowman really has an habit of ignoring people after making them fall right next to the one he's trying to protect, eh?
36249: Welf - Monday, April 17 2023 - 4:04 PM
Seems the Hallowman doesn't care for Noah. And Noah is flying in an interesting angle. I guess he will finally meet Chernyl?
36250: Dubu - Monday, April 17 2023 - 5:15 PM
Noah into Chernyl into whatever the gray dude wants
36251: joe - Monday, April 17 2023 - 5:34 PM
36252: Dave the Not Nightmare - Monday, April 17 2023 - 5:40 PM
Yay! Good news, he wants you alive. Bad news, he wants you alive for something.
36253: Some guy - Monday, April 17 2023 - 6:02 PM
Reminder: Damage from falling is due to sudden acceleration, not due to impacting the ground.
36254: Potatopeelerkind - Monday, April 17 2023 - 7:28 PM
Noah went flying in the direction of Chernyl.
36255: Frozenstep - Monday, April 17 2023 - 7:37 PM
...Was all this some kind of bait for Noel...?
36256: Fan - Monday, April 17 2023 - 8:03 PM
At the angle that Noah is falling, do you think he'll land right on top of her?
36257: GoombaLamp - Monday, April 17 2023 - 9:30 PM
I assume Hallowman is obscuring Noel's line of sight to Chernyl, but I don't know how much it matters, Noel Having line of sight would stop new nightmares from appearing.
36258: dorf - Monday, April 17 2023 - 10:07 PM
Noah's being ignored for the moment, and he's on a very convenient trajectory... go get 'em, little dude
36259: Aston Whiteman - Monday, April 17 2023 - 10:52 PM
Oh hi Veda, everything just. as. planned. Here's the key Noah.
36260: ? - Monday, April 17 2023 - 11:29 PM
if I had a dollar for every time a literal nightmare imitating Malhart started being vaguely affectionate but significantly menacing towards Noel, I'd have two dollars
36261: Saiko - Monday, April 17 2023 - 11:41 PM
Maybe he wants Noel alive for flaying. He's a nightmare after all.
36262: Eight - Tuesday, April 18 2023 - 2:09 AM
@ 36253: Some guy - Is that true also for that world?
Nail and now Noah too... the Hallowman really has an habit of ignoring people after making them fall right next to the one he's trying to protect, eh?
Seems the Hallowman doesn't care for Noah. And Noah is flying in an interesting angle. I guess he will finally meet Chernyl?
Noah into Chernyl into whatever the gray dude wants
Yay! Good news, he wants you alive. Bad news, he wants you alive for something.
Reminder: Damage from falling is due to sudden acceleration, not due to impacting the ground.
Noah went flying in the direction of Chernyl.
...Was all this some kind of bait for Noel...?
At the angle that Noah is falling, do you think he'll land right on top of her?
I assume Hallowman is obscuring Noel's line of sight to Chernyl, but I don't know how much it matters, Noel Having line of sight would stop new nightmares from appearing.
Noah's being ignored for the moment, and he's on a very convenient trajectory... go get 'em, little dude
Oh hi Veda, everything just. as. planned. Here's the key Noah.
if I had a dollar for every time a literal nightmare imitating Malhart started being vaguely affectionate but significantly menacing towards Noel, I'd have two dollars
Maybe he wants Noel alive for flaying. He's a nightmare after all.
@ 36253: Some guy - Is that true also for that world?