35725: Frozenstep - Wednesday, March 15 2023 - 12:15 AM
Oh, was that all, Gaz?
You didn't have to say anything if you were willing to wait until "they took too long". But oh well, teenagers in high-stress situations, it's understandable.
35726: Kilraven - Wednesday, March 15 2023 - 12:55 AM
Nail, why are you raising a death flag this close to the finish line?
35727: noname - Wednesday, March 15 2023 - 5:11 AM
You're raising a fuggin' death flag for yourself there, Nail.
Still, yeah, Gazz and Noel are definitely being fools right now.
35728: Carl - Wednesday, March 15 2023 - 5:56 AM
Seriously, they're having an argument when they're already on the same page.
35729: HexaDoken - Wednesday, March 15 2023 - 7:04 AM
"Right at the edge of victory" don't you have a hyper-nightmare yet undefeated, Nail, buddy, pal?
...Actually it occurs to me that he was stuck in the maze during all the Hallowman conversations, so he might not be up to speed about this. Huh.
35730: Whim - Wednesday, March 15 2023 - 8:45 AM
Bubble him! Bubble him!
35731: Paintr - Wednesday, March 15 2023 - 9:02 AM
Are they really being fools though? Imagine this confrontation when they actually get to Chernyl, it'd be even worse then.
Resolving it now probably is the better of the bad scenario's this is coming to.
35733: player_03 - Wednesday, March 15 2023 - 11:09 AM
I'm not that worried about Nail dying. The fact is, he's shrugged off some nasty stuff, and his main concern seems to be with keeping his secrets.
Noel let Noah in on his biggest secret just to have a chance of survival, Gazz compromised with former enemies, Noah **actually started using spirit**. Everyone else is doing literally everything they can to survive.
And yet Nail isn't acting like he personally has anything to worry about. Is he a golem? A ghoul? Something else that doesn't detect as living? Whatever his secret is, we do know he was in on Veda's plan. And since he hasn't come out and said what the plan was, that plan could still be in motion.
I'm not saying Nail can beat the Hallowman alone, but I do think he can outlast him. He may just be the final boss of this whole sequence.
Oh, was that all, Gaz?
You didn't have to say anything if you were willing to wait until "they took too long". But oh well, teenagers in high-stress situations, it's understandable.
Nail, why are you raising a death flag this close to the finish line?
You're raising a fuggin' death flag for yourself there, Nail.
Still, yeah, Gazz and Noel are definitely being fools right now.
Seriously, they're having an argument when they're already on the same page.
"Right at the edge of victory" don't you have a hyper-nightmare yet undefeated, Nail, buddy, pal?
...Actually it occurs to me that he was stuck in the maze during all the Hallowman conversations, so he might not be up to speed about this. Huh.
Bubble him! Bubble him!
Are they really being fools though? Imagine this confrontation when they actually get to Chernyl, it'd be even worse then.
Resolving it now probably is the better of the bad scenario's this is coming to.
I'm not that worried about Nail dying. The fact is, he's shrugged off some nasty stuff, and his main concern seems to be with keeping his secrets.
Noel let Noah in on his biggest secret just to have a chance of survival, Gazz compromised with former enemies, Noah **actually started using spirit**. Everyone else is doing literally everything they can to survive.
And yet Nail isn't acting like he personally has anything to worry about. Is he a golem? A ghoul? Something else that doesn't detect as living? Whatever his secret is, we do know he was in on Veda's plan. And since he hasn't come out and said what the plan was, that plan could still be in motion.
I'm not saying Nail can beat the Hallowman alone, but I do think he can outlast him. He may just be the final boss of this whole sequence.
Nail's flag is as red as the blood on him.