Will Noel reenter the same room from the opposite side?
I wish I could see inside Noah's mind now... or no, better not wish that.
35096: Saiko - Friday, January 20 2023 - 7:02 AM
I hope he uses right-hand rule (or left-hand rule) if he moves from room to room, otherwise he won't find them again.
35097: The_Squished_Elf - Friday, January 20 2023 - 8:03 AM
Ummm… I think we missed a page?
35098: Frozenstep - Friday, January 20 2023 - 10:56 AM
I'm guessing he'll leave and then come out from another hole.
Man, I hate when games pull this kind of maze on me.
35099: Mystik - Friday, January 20 2023 - 1:12 PM
One of them was Chernyl all along!
35100: Dumiel - Friday, January 20 2023 - 1:20 PM
It matches up. Noel has a theory of why the signal is coming from three directions on the last page, doesn't explain and goes to check it on this one.
35101: Ewan - Friday, January 20 2023 - 1:35 PM
Hey Neorice, do you do art for dwarf fortress? I was just watching an interview video and they mentioned it.
35102: Neoriceisgood - Friday, January 20 2023 - 1:59 PM
@Ewan Yes I did! I made lots of animals.
What interview did you watch? I'm curious.
35103: Deliverance - Friday, January 20 2023 - 6:50 PM
I've gotten so used in this comic to sprite flipping resulting in issues like how Gaz holds his weapon in his right hand when facing right, and left when facing left, that I consider it part of the art style and don't pay much attention to it, but something has been nagging my attention for the last several strips and finally I realized what it was:
While Catz'antenna was originally mounted on the blue (inward) side regardless of his facing, since 2908 it has been on the red(outward) side when he faces right, and blue(inward) when facing left.
Clue or art mistake?
35104: Ewan - Friday, January 20 2023 - 7:55 PM
That’s AWESOME! It’s such a cool coincidence that my favourite comic artist worked on my latest favourite game. That explains why the animals all look so nice. I watched the one Blind did today with the Adams.
35105: ShroomTurtle - Saturday, January 21 2023 - 5:03 AM
Knowing that Neorice did sprite work on Dwarf Fortress was unexpected but very welcome
35123: Diju - Tuesday, January 24 2023 - 2:41 PM
So this is the Outer Wilds Bramble then, that is terrible
Noah's eyes changed in the last panel! I wonder if he's just realized something?
_* DO - NOT - SPLIT - THE - GROUP - !!! *_
What is so difficult to understand about this?!
This is gonna be good
Will Noel reenter the same room from the opposite side?
I wish I could see inside Noah's mind now... or no, better not wish that.
I hope he uses right-hand rule (or left-hand rule) if he moves from room to room, otherwise he won't find them again.
Ummm… I think we missed a page?
I'm guessing he'll leave and then come out from another hole.
Man, I hate when games pull this kind of maze on me.
One of them was Chernyl all along!
It matches up. Noel has a theory of why the signal is coming from three directions on the last page, doesn't explain and goes to check it on this one.
Hey Neorice, do you do art for dwarf fortress? I was just watching an interview video and they mentioned it.
@Ewan Yes I did! I made lots of animals.
What interview did you watch? I'm curious.
I've gotten so used in this comic to sprite flipping resulting in issues like how Gaz holds his weapon in his right hand when facing right, and left when facing left, that I consider it part of the art style and don't pay much attention to it, but something has been nagging my attention for the last several strips and finally I realized what it was:
While Catz'antenna was originally mounted on the blue (inward) side regardless of his facing, since 2908 it has been on the red(outward) side when he faces right, and blue(inward) when facing left.
Clue or art mistake?
That’s AWESOME! It’s such a cool coincidence that my favourite comic artist worked on my latest favourite game. That explains why the animals all look so nice. I watched the one Blind did today with the Adams.
Knowing that Neorice did sprite work on Dwarf Fortress was unexpected but very welcome
So this is the Outer Wilds Bramble then, that is terrible