Wednesday, December 7 2022 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Going back to 3 pages a week as stated in my news post & the banner.
I do wish to go back to daily updates eventually, but with how little energy I have in the day I have to stop giving my comic top priority for a while, at least until my health is more stable.
wish you best, mr. writer.
3 updates a week is also good, thanks for story.
Frankly I've always been flabbergasted at how quickly you pump these out. By all means, find a tempo that works best for you!
Stay well, Neo!
Too much spellcasting and comic writing will end with you coughing up blood. And we don't want that.
Do not spend all your spirit for the comic! You see what doing that (spending all spirit) did to Gaston and Noah. Get well soon!
Take care of yourself. I think we'll manage to enjoy this excellent FREE COMIC WE'RE NOT PAYING FOR at a slightly reduced pace, somehow ;)
Also, ignore the guy rudely crapping on the Burk storyline, ain't got no taste and no manners, that one.
One must take care of themselves before they take care of others. To do otherwise fails in both counts.
Take it easy, Neo - Your output is prodigious as it is, and either way, no one would blame you for taking a break now and then, for any reason at all.
Sorry to hear that health is the reason - Be well soon, stay safe.
Health comes first, always! Get well.
That makes sense. Your health is important! Besides, you already update way more frequently and consistently than any other webcomic I've ever read, excepting Schlock Mercenary, and that was the dude's full-time job.
Neorice, we have been blessed to have updates as often as we have for the past while. You take care of yourself as you need to, we'll be here every update no matter how often they come.
Take as much time as you need!
No worries, Neo. Take care of yourself. You've been comicing at pretty a breakneck pace for a bit now.
Hey, do what’s best for you. Health, mental and physical, come first.
Take care of yourself, and thanks as well for all the Dwarf Fortress work you put in, too.
Same as others, do take care. The banner says "daily updates" to me, just to let you know.
Yeah, like everyone else said, take care of yourself! Nobody wants you to get burned out on this.
I think the banner didn't update yet (at least if you meant the one above this page). Oh, and Gute Besserung!
Thanks for all the comics dropped so far, take a break and get better soon!
My god, you're going from a schedule infinitely faster than any other webcomic to a schedule that's merely healthy and reasonable? Truly shocking.
Mr. Author, you might be the most generous webcomic artist around already. Nobody's forcing you to keep the dailies up and we won't think less of you if you went back to 3 a week for good.
Hoping you feel refreshed soon! I'm enjoying the stories.
Take your time withe the updates , your health comes first. We appreciate you for such a great story over the years Neo!
Neorice, life comes before your awesome comic. Go do life.
If you do well enough that we go back to daily updates, then yay.
Hey Neo.
Been reading your comic since way back before you did the reset. I remember you struggled back then at some point, too. Don‘t let yourself get burned out, please.
Your comic is one of the few weekly joys getting me through some bad times in the past and most recent events. So thanks for this ongoing piece of joy in my life.
This is the 2897th comic. The timestamp on Neorice's first comment says that this comic started on Febuary 26 2013. That is 3602 days ago. Divide the two and you get roughly 0.8 comics/day. Three times a week is 0.43 comics/day. So in other words, you've been doing great, posting comics at double the rate we expected so far! You deserve a sort-of-break. Your personal life comes first Neorice. I'm sure we can manage just fine.
You have made so many episodes of this amazing comic in such a short time, pushing yourself to bring us this amazing story, and for that we are thankful.
The schedule change is completely understandable! Your health is more important, and you've already given your audience so much.
I wish you very well, and hope your health improves, and I at least speak for myself that if (goodness forbid) you start feeling worse, pausing the comic for awhile is absolutely reasonable.
Best wishes for your recovery!
I don't think any of us expected 1 page/day to go this long to begin with, we've been spoiled to hell & back. Like Noah so far but without the blunt physical trauma.
Take care of yourself, Neorice! 3 pages a week is already a blistering webcomic pace!