Wednesday, November 2 2022 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Four of you.
Ah naturally the dentist can see Ciel because ...
Okay I'm going to come clean I have no idea what dentists do, I just hear people often say they're scary so kinda went with that.
Dentists are just people who use chisels to mine gold from peoples' mouths, nothing scary about that.
If the dentist can see Ciel, can't she annoy him like she annoys Noah when she wants him to pay attention to him?
oh no !
the power of dentist vision !
the one that allows dentists to see the invisible
Its time for your "Tooth Hurty" appointment Ciel
Im sorry I had to do it...
Is it just me or is Ciel still smiling even after the dentist tries to attack them quite concerning.
I wonder if Ciel can overload his senses like she did to Noah to get him to pay attention to her...
Oh..? Oh!? A magic user that also has the Sight? Or at least a limited form of it.
This could be pretty huge, having magic users see spirits.
The dentist seems unaware though, so that's strange. But exploitable!
Seems Ciel isn't physically present.
Dodge, guys!
Also, I'm relatively certain I'd frustrate this nightmare to no end. His scalpels won't do anything for my missing teeth.
Gaston will now suspect/know about Ciel.
If they both survive the nightmares, this is bound to bring radical change to Noah's life.
the dentist can see Ciel because dentists see people who don't want to be there all the time
/my guess
poor Noah, looks like about to throw up again
"Why do they call you Bleeding Gums?"
"You ever been to the dentist?"
"I haven't."
I think you've made it very very clear that you don't understand what dentists do, with the whole flaying people's skulls thing
Tell us, Ciel: What have you discerned?
In related news: I got a kidney stone yesterday so right now I empathize more with Noah on that whole worst-day-of-my-life level than I care to admit.
I my dentist saw more people in the room than me, then I would be scared too. Who knows how many teeth does he see?
Oh dentists are the worst, they'll tell you that you need surgery that you really don't, apply slipshod mechanical fixes to the problem that will have to be fixed later, then charge you 500 bucks for it, and also charge you a 500 bucks again to fix their fuck up later.
Hm? Oh, I guess something like flesh and pain might be tangentially involved at some point, but my rent money tho.
He can see Ciel because she has teeth
Well this is news. I guess Ciel may have some good news if she can just get in his face and make crazy faces to irritate him thoroughly, not sure how far she can be away from Noah though before she's forced to be close by his side.
Another good option is she could sense the nightmare because of his magical power, giving them a better chance to dodge his attacks.