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Noah - 2702
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Monday, October 17 2022 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Down they go.

With style and grace.

33861: Zet - Monday, October 17 2022 - 12:25 AM

Would be funny but anticlimactic if they landed on Chernyl with that pile of rock.

33862: Z2 - Monday, October 17 2022 - 12:55 AM

Huh, it's one of those weird smear frames where everybody looks super screwed up because it's a sub-second transition from animation... but in a comic.

Well that or Noah just sprouted several new eyeballs. I mean they are in the nightmare zone.

33863: Paintr - Monday, October 17 2022 - 1:37 AM

Imagine animating HeroOhHero. I wonder how many seasons it would take just to get to this page.

33864: Nathan400 - Monday, October 17 2022 - 2:56 AM

Ah, good, he wasn't loosing control, just making an express elevator.

33865: Agent_Cook - Monday, October 17 2022 - 4:47 AM


33866: LuKo - Monday, October 17 2022 - 6:35 AM

That random dead body to the bottom left.

33867: Flairina - Monday, October 17 2022 - 6:49 AM

The color of Gaston's spirit keeps fluctuating from page to page, and I have no idea what to make of that...

33868: noyou - Monday, October 17 2022 - 7:32 AM

@flairina your right... he's had like five differnt spirits in the last couple pages, and yet neither noah or noel have noticed a thing..

33869: Brownie 24128 - Monday, October 17 2022 - 8:44 AM


Neither of them sensing anything proves that it means nothing. Noahs sense of spirit is very good and he identified Gazz spirit on Page 2685 already.
Spirit Sense is probaly far more complicated than just sensing color, so I trust Noah on that one. Nevermind the fact Noell can see whatever thing Gazz is tied to, faking that would be extremly hard.
Also, Gazzs spirit is blue, but when he used spirit sense in Page 1064 his eyes where yellow. I would say that aside from the innate spirit, the color of its effects are not tied to a single color.

33870: TheMegax - Monday, October 17 2022 - 8:52 AM

I'm assuming that as your power develops, the visual color of your magic also changes with it. His spirit should still be blue, but it manifest differently.

33871: Feddlefew - Monday, October 17 2022 - 9:12 AM

IIRC Gazz has displayed different color spirit before, like during the spirit sense training in the bunkers when his eyes were yellow instead of blue. At this point I suspect he- along with the rest of the kids who received invites- is an artificial magic user. Maybe a failed attempt at making a free magic user?

Veda could be after Chernyl because she generates spirit-like entities with offensive powers that could be grafted onto people, rather than directly weaponizing her. Relatedly, I also suspect Noahs power is an attempt to make a more controlled version of Chernyl that didn�€™t work out because of Noahs stubbornness.

33872: Tom - Monday, October 17 2022 - 9:59 AM

The Nightmare Level(tm) was already cranked to 11/10, and now we're at 12.

33873: Moe - Monday, October 17 2022 - 11:37 AM

Hey, I know that rubble! That's from the Aristocrat vs. Burk vs. Moe!

33874: The Someoner - Monday, October 17 2022 - 11:38 AM

Considering the weight of normal concrete and steel floor like that, the landing will probably a lot less graceful than the initial move he pulled to make it happen, unless they have something to break their fall down there. On the side, it would be hilarious if, after all of this, they would just squash Cheryl under the block he cut loose.

33875: Flairina - Monday, October 17 2022 - 5:45 PM

@Brownie+Feddlefew His eyes were yellow during the spirit search, but his spirit itself was still blue, and every construct/skill he's made or displayed before now was also blue. In the last several pages however, he's gone from green to orange to green to teal - the hovering spirit sword trick was even a different color than when he used it before, seemingly without reason. I'm not saying I don't think this is the real Gaston (though I won't rule it out), but I think that something may at least be affecting his spirit - especially as I'm pretty sure Noah's spirit has stayed steadfastly lime green for every new skill he's displayed of late.

33876: Some guy - Monday, October 17 2022 - 7:10 PM

That movement effect looks rather odd when it is done with somebody's eye.

33877: Brilliand - Monday, October 17 2022 - 7:44 PM

@Brownie 24128 IIRC Gazz is solely a spirit mage, not a pandemonium mage, so there's no "thing Gazz is tied to" for Noel to see.

33878: Whispers of Sorrow - Tuesday, October 18 2022 - 12:10 AM

Well so much for stealth...

@Feddlefew: Leaving the power origin question to one side, I do think it's very likely that Chernyl made a wish to have her dreams came true.

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