Tuesday, September 27 2022 - 1:10 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Noah's brain right now: That sounds like effort.
Also I have no idea why I just posted 3 pages, my uploader glitched the hell out and pooped out 3 pages in 1 click or something.
I believe in you Noah!
Yay for an unexpected mini-chapter drop :D
Well I'll take it! That sort rush actually created some interesting pacing by having this brief flurry before the suspenseful stop.
Maybe you should do that intentionally sometimes Neo, for certain segments like this with short bursts of action.
Ooh, bonus pages! I for one am happy about these glitches, Neo.
Even Ciel is calling Noah out. We will do our utmost to drag him, kicking and screaming, into the realm of competence.
he's just going to throw himself across the floor a good distance and land in some of that red goop, isn't he
Please pass on my thanks to your uploader :)
I take it that it'll be something to do with Focus (to hit harder), or Form (to create bubbles)? I mean, Noah hasn't shown any ability at Reinforcement yet, but he's also the type of person who wouldn't use it even if he knew how.
Which actually makes me realise. Noah has actively shown a WIDE array of Spirit Skills, even if only at a basic level. We've seen him Mask, Cover & Surge (and he's almost certainly used Focus in Magiball, even if we haven't seen it). He uses Spirit Sight near constantly to see Ciel, while he's learnt how to Form Spirit into spheres. I can see Noah learning all of the 10 Foundational, Basic & Specialised Spirit Skills, as well as stumbling onto at least one of the Special Spirit Skills. I also would not be surprised if Ciel ends up being a manner in which Noah stumbles into a Forbidden Spirit Skill. Probably the one with a devil that's probably possession.
Ciel is such a good teacher, gently nudging Noah (who's in a life-or-death situation) into action.
Noah, that was the uploader you manipulated. Concentrate!
noah: oh no there's nothing i can do i'm going to die
ciel: wait, really? you're just going to give up, like that? I can think of, like, a dozen different ways you can survive this
Extremely pumped for Noah actually becoming more proactive. Character arcs!
YAY! Multi page update!
Gang war.
Noah's about to be saved by the Hallowman, and then Catz crashes in the building sporadically confusing the shit out of everyone.
My prediction for what will happen within the next 30 pages
It wasn't military AI or Google, but simple page uploader from small webcomic site which become Skynet...
Ohhhh they can make more of themselves without the main nightmare. So even if Chernyl is sealed they still have a zombie apocalypse scenario to deal with.
It occurs to me that we really should have seen more bodies. Is something collecting them and, say, incorporating them into a horrifying gunk structure?
Working to survive or some freebie terrible death?
"Uh" indeed.
Hmm inverse featherweight spirit technique so they cannot carry him!!!
I'll be honest im surprised the comments ain't filled with more speculation on what spirit technique could Noah use.
Noah is the embodiment of GuessIllDie.jpg