33508: TheMegax - Saturday, September 24 2022 - 7:36 PM
Noah sure has a lot of balls huh
33509: Strannik - Saturday, September 24 2022 - 9:28 PM
Maybe they just want to talk ?
33510: Dave the Not Nightmare - Saturday, September 24 2022 - 9:48 PM
Hey! I know those two new guys! The one on the left makes fried avocado, and the one on the right cheats at arm wrestling. I say wreck�€™em good boys.
33511: Darius Drake - Sunday, September 25 2022 - 1:02 AM
Noah, your nose is going to start bleeding again with this fight! You should surge afterwards in order to heal, that cleaned up the blood last time!
33512: Some guy - Sunday, September 25 2022 - 1:40 AM
They made the effort to announce themself. Expecting some form of "wait, we want to talk".
33513: Tom - Sunday, September 25 2022 - 2:02 AM
They know their names? Yeah, go for the kill.
33514: Parm - Sunday, September 25 2022 - 2:32 AM
haha balls
33515: LuKo - Sunday, September 25 2022 - 5:34 AM
No talk.
33516: Aston Whiteman - Sunday, September 25 2022 - 6:48 AM
Ten thousand balls under the sun.
Behold the power of Noah!
33517: Rocky Rumbling Rascal - Sunday, September 25 2022 - 7:08 AM
Congratulations, you were promoted! Here, have some more eyeballs. What? No, there's no place for them on the uniform, just put them anywhere.
33518: Feddlefew - Sunday, September 25 2022 - 9:25 AM
Have you heard the good news about our lord and savior Sclaramancer?
33519: The_Squished_Elf - Sunday, September 25 2022 - 10:11 AM
The real question is, how is team No-No going to manage to double-cross Scleramancer to disable Chernyl�€™s dreaming? It�€™s clear Scleramancer let them get this far because they can enter Hallowman�€™s territory without being instagibbed as Scleramancer minions.
Noah sure has a lot of balls huh
Maybe they just want to talk ?
Hey! I know those two new guys! The one on the left makes fried avocado, and the one on the right cheats at arm wrestling. I say wreck�€™em good boys.
Noah, your nose is going to start bleeding again with this fight! You should surge afterwards in order to heal, that cleaned up the blood last time!
They made the effort to announce themself. Expecting some form of "wait, we want to talk".
They know their names? Yeah, go for the kill.
haha balls
No talk.
Ten thousand balls under the sun.
Behold the power of Noah!
Congratulations, you were promoted! Here, have some more eyeballs. What? No, there's no place for them on the uniform, just put them anywhere.
Have you heard the good news about our lord and savior Sclaramancer?
The real question is, how is team No-No going to manage to double-cross Scleramancer to disable Chernyl�€™s dreaming? It�€™s clear Scleramancer let them get this far because they can enter Hallowman�€™s territory without being instagibbed as Scleramancer minions.