32659: Feddlefew - Wednesday, July 20 2022 - 6:28 PM
This feels like a trap. I hope they dont see anyone they know on the way out.
At this point I think Sclaramancer has been keeping an eye on the group, and might be directing some of the other nightmares. The eyes coving haven and the giant hand might be theirs. If anyone we met is a minion it is probably the sunglasses lady, since at no point did we see her eyes and we never confirmed that Legs killed her instead of shoving her off screen.
I worry that Sclaramancer knows about Noah and his roll in releasing the nightmares. The encounter with Timmy foreshadowed that magic users might maintain their powers if their bodies are taken over by a nightmare, and since multiple characters have talked about Noahs ability to detect magic sources while the weird eyes were watching Noah, he is a very tempting target for whatever Sclaramancer does to people.
32660: James brokanon - Wednesday, July 20 2022 - 6:47 PM
Well that's to bad, daddy didn't even get around to feeding noah, they can't be going out into dangerous territory on an empty stomach, though maybe he will give them boxes to go
32661: someone - Wednesday, July 20 2022 - 7:00 PM
But you've barely touched your human hearts!
32662: Sloss - Thursday, July 21 2022 - 12:20 AM
I hope the green room is just a room with shrek pictures everywhere
32663: Gils - Thursday, July 21 2022 - 12:27 AM
does this mean we get CGI. Or perhaps weather Forecasters.
32664: unnamed - Thursday, July 21 2022 - 1:30 AM
Lovely to (be) meat (for) you.
32665: noname - Thursday, July 21 2022 - 1:35 AM
I mean, you're both still alive and you didn't even have to resort to cannibalism in order to make it through this ordeal... Maybe mildly more traumatized than you already were before, but that's still a certified "it went okay" in my book.
32666: Daran - Thursday, July 21 2022 - 3:14 AM
I am afraid that on their way out they will see a little kid crying for help. And they will have to choose to ignore it.
32667: Tom - Thursday, July 21 2022 - 4:40 AM
It can't get any worse than this... is what I thought at the end of every page in this chapter.
I've been wrong every time.
32668: Lanth - Thursday, July 21 2022 - 9:28 AM
Somehow, seeing daddy's hand in the second frame all I can think of that a walking stick would fit so so well there.
32670: King Random - Thursday, July 21 2022 - 4:35 PM
Just noticed the children faces over the pantry
This feels like a trap. I hope they dont see anyone they know on the way out.
At this point I think Sclaramancer has been keeping an eye on the group, and might be directing some of the other nightmares. The eyes coving haven and the giant hand might be theirs. If anyone we met is a minion it is probably the sunglasses lady, since at no point did we see her eyes and we never confirmed that Legs killed her instead of shoving her off screen.
I worry that Sclaramancer knows about Noah and his roll in releasing the nightmares. The encounter with Timmy foreshadowed that magic users might maintain their powers if their bodies are taken over by a nightmare, and since multiple characters have talked about Noahs ability to detect magic sources while the weird eyes were watching Noah, he is a very tempting target for whatever Sclaramancer does to people.
Well that's to bad, daddy didn't even get around to feeding noah, they can't be going out into dangerous territory on an empty stomach, though maybe he will give them boxes to go
But you've barely touched your human hearts!
I hope the green room is just a room with shrek pictures everywhere
does this mean we get CGI. Or perhaps weather Forecasters.
Lovely to (be) meat (for) you.
I mean, you're both still alive and you didn't even have to resort to cannibalism in order to make it through this ordeal... Maybe mildly more traumatized than you already were before, but that's still a certified "it went okay" in my book.
I am afraid that on their way out they will see a little kid crying for help. And they will have to choose to ignore it.
It can't get any worse than this... is what I thought at the end of every page in this chapter.
I've been wrong every time.
Somehow, seeing daddy's hand in the second frame all I can think of that a walking stick would fit so so well there.
Just noticed the children faces over the pantry