32297: Deliverance - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 6:12 AM
Hastur! Hastur! Hastur!
32298: Dad - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 6:17 AM
Yeah? Sup
32299: Classified - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 6:18 AM
He�€™s probably summoning his dead father�€™s Spirit just like Evyle summoned Corkscrew, though I�€™m interested on why this summoning is much more specific and spell-like than Evyle�€™s if that�€™s the case.
32300: Feddlefew - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 6:57 AM
We never considered the terrifying possibility that Chernyle�€™s powers are not limited to just her nightmares. 8I
32301: White Valyrian - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 7:06 AM
Oh Cool this rhyming theme reminds of the Demon Etrigan from Justice League.
32302: Liack - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 7:06 AM
No dirty thoughts, no dirty thoughts, no dirty thoughts.
�« Hum�€¦who is your daddy? �»
32303: someone - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 8:06 AM
Noah and Noel will be able to bond just not over their shared letters, but also over their shared daddy issues.
32304: noname - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 8:07 AM
Yeah, I can understand why Noel wouldn't wanna do this without some context... It kinda reminds me of Dipper's Lamby Lamby Dance...
32305: James brokanon - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 8:20 AM
It's pretty self explanatory to why he wanted to give so much backstory first
32306: Tom - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 9:30 AM
I can't even.
32307: The Someoner - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 10:40 AM
Who ever he is calling there, they're clearly into it.
32308: Aston Whiteman - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 11:03 AM
Yes Big Daddy...
32309: Rose - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 11:28 AM
Maybe Noel is Chernyl's son, that makes his daddy the most powerful nightmare of all.
32310: Dellis - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 4:31 PM
... Noel, I feel you.
I wouldn't like to use that power without explaining it before to people either.
32311: Franz - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 5:28 PM
And that's how Belzebu likes being called.
32312: Diju - Sunday, June 26 2022 - 9:02 PM
Water, water, froth and foam!
32323: Man - Monday, June 27 2022 - 8:40 AM
That's the same particle effect that appeared when evyle killed the ghost..
32369: Cluedrew - Friday, July 1 2022 - 5:54 AM
I just wanted to come back and say this before we see "Daddy": That rhyme is sublimely creepy. In another context it might be fine but here, well I think this is going to be one of the worst nightmares we have seen.
Well, maybe not as bad as Timmy would have been if Noel didn't counter him. (I hope Theodore is free now... but it is only a hope.)
Hastur! Hastur! Hastur!
Yeah? Sup
He�€™s probably summoning his dead father�€™s Spirit just like Evyle summoned Corkscrew, though I�€™m interested on why this summoning is much more specific and spell-like than Evyle�€™s if that�€™s the case.
We never considered the terrifying possibility that Chernyle�€™s powers are not limited to just her nightmares. 8I
Oh Cool this rhyming theme reminds of the Demon Etrigan from Justice League.
No dirty thoughts, no dirty thoughts, no dirty thoughts.
�« Hum�€¦who is your daddy? �»
Noah and Noel will be able to bond just not over their shared letters, but also over their shared daddy issues.
Yeah, I can understand why Noel wouldn't wanna do this without some context... It kinda reminds me of Dipper's Lamby Lamby Dance...
It's pretty self explanatory to why he wanted to give so much backstory first
I can't even.
Who ever he is calling there, they're clearly into it.
Yes Big Daddy...
Maybe Noel is Chernyl's son, that makes his daddy the most powerful nightmare of all.
... Noel, I feel you.
I wouldn't like to use that power without explaining it before to people either.
And that's how Belzebu likes being called.
Water, water, froth and foam!
That's the same particle effect that appeared when evyle killed the ghost..
I just wanted to come back and say this before we see "Daddy": That rhyme is sublimely creepy. In another context it might be fine but here, well I think this is going to be one of the worst nightmares we have seen.
Well, maybe not as bad as Timmy would have been if Noel didn't counter him. (I hope Theodore is free now... but it is only a hope.)