32227: White Valyrian - Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 1:56 AM
Don't know why but going into Noel head just make me think that somehow Mr Malhart is gonna make an appearance. Like Dream/nightmare Malhart giving Noah ideas to stop the nightmare or wishing Mr Malhart back alive to stop Chenryl or something.
32228: Aston Whiteman - Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 2:06 AM
Take control of nightmares and watch them fight each other while Noah sits there reading a book.
32229: Lanth - Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 2:40 AM
@ White Valyrian That's it!! the nightmare with the top hat we saw at the start of the chapter
32230: Joe - Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 5:41 AM
Which top hat knightmare?
32231: Brownie 24128 - Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 7:44 AM
@White Valyrian
If Noahs power is apparently not powerful enough to get them out of the fog, how could it possibly bring back the dead? That aside, we have no confirmation if Malhart really died.
32232: Classified - Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 10:22 AM
Its gonna be the top hat nightmare isn�€™t it?
Look at the chapter cover bud
32233: Classified - Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 10:22 AM
Its gonna be the top hat nightmare isn�€™t it?
Look at the chapter cover bud
32234: Violet - Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 10:32 AM
This is just a theory, but I'm wondering if maybe the wishes involve Ciel and/or her powers evolving? As Noel pointed out, both wishes only seemed to affect Ciel and her ability to interact with Noah.
32235: Strannik - Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 10:48 AM
Err... the second wish was to communicate with Ciel at will, instead of doing while sleeping.
And it is specially stated in page 598 that Noah didnt wish for Ciel to appear in his mirror.
Talking with Ciel without mirror was the result of Noah learning Spirit sense page 1048. So a skill, not a wish.
32236: UnknownID - Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 11:52 AM
One idea: Never use it again! :D
32237: Zed - Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 12:06 PM
From the chapter introduction. The drawings for each of the recent Noah chapters have all been "previews" of the shenanigans Noah encounters.
Unrelated, does anyone else keep repeatedly feeling like the darkening fog at the end of the panels is a chapter ending? It makes cliffhangers that much worse each time, even if I know it's just the fog.
32238: Cellphone - Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 12:42 PM
Wait, that's not quite right... It allowed him to use mirrors. What freed him from that need was that spirit sense technique.
Don't know why but going into Noel head just make me think that somehow Mr Malhart is gonna make an appearance. Like Dream/nightmare Malhart giving Noah ideas to stop the nightmare or wishing Mr Malhart back alive to stop Chenryl or something.
Take control of nightmares and watch them fight each other while Noah sits there reading a book.
@ White Valyrian That's it!! the nightmare with the top hat we saw at the start of the chapter
Which top hat knightmare?
@White Valyrian
If Noahs power is apparently not powerful enough to get them out of the fog, how could it possibly bring back the dead? That aside, we have no confirmation if Malhart really died.
Its gonna be the top hat nightmare isn�€™t it?
Look at the chapter cover bud
Its gonna be the top hat nightmare isn�€™t it?
Look at the chapter cover bud
This is just a theory, but I'm wondering if maybe the wishes involve Ciel and/or her powers evolving? As Noel pointed out, both wishes only seemed to affect Ciel and her ability to interact with Noah.
Err... the second wish was to communicate with Ciel at will, instead of doing while sleeping.
And it is specially stated in page 598 that Noah didnt wish for Ciel to appear in his mirror.
Talking with Ciel without mirror was the result of Noah learning Spirit sense page 1048. So a skill, not a wish.
One idea: Never use it again! :D
From the chapter introduction. The drawings for each of the recent Noah chapters have all been "previews" of the shenanigans Noah encounters.
Unrelated, does anyone else keep repeatedly feeling like the darkening fog at the end of the panels is a chapter ending? It makes cliffhangers that much worse each time, even if I know it's just the fog.
Wait, that's not quite right... It allowed him to use mirrors. What freed him from that need was that spirit sense technique.