32197: White Valyrian - Monday, June 20 2022 - 12:58 AM
If this were a slice of life/harem webtoon, Noah wishing to end this nightmare would be summoning a female demon specialised in killing mages.
32198: Tom - Monday, June 20 2022 - 2:09 AM
@White - Every chapter would be solved by summoning dream waifus.
32199: Gils - Monday, June 20 2022 - 2:27 AM
she is probably a spirit of pandemonium. It would be very bad letting her take the lead on stuff no matter the benefits. Would be like unleashing those ghouls probably but without guidelines 9r limitations. she would be a horror on the world!
32200: Lanth - Monday, June 20 2022 - 3:02 AM
But at the end nothing would ever really happen and slowly but assuredly the series would devolve into an all out war with the comment section being no better trying to establish their choice ships as the only really sane option...
32201: Diju - Monday, June 20 2022 - 3:11 AM
I know I�€™ve been asking for a while but can I leave something in the comments if it has nothing to do with this character or arc it could be a massive spoiler if I�€™m right
32202: Diju - Monday, June 20 2022 - 3:11 AM
I know I�€™ve been asking for a while but can I leave something in the comments if it has nothing to do with this character or arc it could be a massive spoiler if I�€™m right
32203: noname - Monday, June 20 2022 - 3:19 AM
I believe the technical term is "booba demon"... or maybe "succubus"? "Boobabus"? Either way, if this really were a slice of life/harem webtoon, she'd be contractually obliged to be almost completely ineffectual because she'd be more interested in filling Noah's life with the magic of love than killing mages, so she'd effectively join Ciel in the "dreadfully annoying" group of entities in Noah's life.
And in true slice of life/harem series fashion, Noah would, as the protagonist, never get laid despite (or perhaps "because of") his harem's increasingly weird attempts at getting into his pants... I know how harem series work even though I've never seen a single episode.
32204: Glennard - Monday, June 20 2022 - 3:28 AM
Probably wrong on this. And this, being a sleep deprived thought. But is Chernyl�€™s name taken from Chernobyl?
32205: Aston Whiteman - Monday, June 20 2022 - 4:01 AM
Ciel is actually Baba Yaga.
32206: Classified - Monday, June 20 2022 - 6:16 AM
Yeah, you�€™re more than welcome to, though those discussions would be made easier if you join the discord, since it has a channel dedicated to it.
32207: Violet - Monday, June 20 2022 - 7:18 AM
He also said she's been a great help. Slowly learning to appreciate her!
It's interesting that she wants so badly to keep Noah alive, given that she's probably a spirit of pandemonium, but still! Being alive is generally considered to be a good thing, so perhaps it's better to just take the help sometimes.
32208: Brownie 24128 - Monday, June 20 2022 - 7:59 AM
@Gils @Violet
Ciels entire purpose is to keep Noah alive, no matter how rude he is to her,she said so in page 1635 and her behavior does not indicate otherwise.
Her advise might be callous but she she has no interest in bloodshed for the sake of it.
I also doubt she is a spirit of pandemonium given that she was created by Noahs power instead of being its source.
32209: TaranAlvein - Monday, June 20 2022 - 9:13 AM
Ciel is like "You are the worst person to avatar for". That stubborn refusal to use his powers is probably also saving Noah, though.
32210: UnknownID - Monday, June 20 2022 - 11:28 AM
Now I see. Ciel doesn't want Noah to use his power to get more power herself, no, it's all for science' sake! Also it is, what Noah's wish drives her to do as she is there to explain his powers to him :O
32211: noname - Monday, June 20 2022 - 11:50 AM
Is that an 8-bit Theatre reference?
32212: Orange - Monday, June 20 2022 - 1:17 PM
Noel rightly aghast that Noah didn't bring this up sooner
32213: Strannik - Monday, June 20 2022 - 2:02 PM
@Brownie : that's what Ciel claims. Now, does she really tell the naked truth ?
32214: virovac - Monday, June 20 2022 - 5:59 PM
I think Ciel is a spirit of but doesn't know it, she seems to have truly thought she was just a mental construct. I think she is what happens if you make a more bestial or simpler spirit suddenly sapient and attatch it to a persons brain.
32215: Whispers of Sorrow - Tuesday, June 21 2022 - 12:05 AM
Of course she isn't wrong. Also, Windows gives himself far too much credit and Ciel far, far too little.
I don't believe she's a Pandemonium Spirit by the way. Chernyl's nightmares on the other hand...
If this were a slice of life/harem webtoon, Noah wishing to end this nightmare would be summoning a female demon specialised in killing mages.
@White - Every chapter would be solved by summoning dream waifus.
she is probably a spirit of pandemonium. It would be very bad letting her take the lead on stuff no matter the benefits. Would be like unleashing those ghouls probably but without guidelines 9r limitations. she would be a horror on the world!
But at the end nothing would ever really happen and slowly but assuredly the series would devolve into an all out war with the comment section being no better trying to establish their choice ships as the only really sane option...
I know I�€™ve been asking for a while but can I leave something in the comments if it has nothing to do with this character or arc it could be a massive spoiler if I�€™m right
I know I�€™ve been asking for a while but can I leave something in the comments if it has nothing to do with this character or arc it could be a massive spoiler if I�€™m right
I believe the technical term is "booba demon"... or maybe "succubus"? "Boobabus"? Either way, if this really were a slice of life/harem webtoon, she'd be contractually obliged to be almost completely ineffectual because she'd be more interested in filling Noah's life with the magic of love than killing mages, so she'd effectively join Ciel in the "dreadfully annoying" group of entities in Noah's life.
And in true slice of life/harem series fashion, Noah would, as the protagonist, never get laid despite (or perhaps "because of") his harem's increasingly weird attempts at getting into his pants... I know how harem series work even though I've never seen a single episode.
Probably wrong on this. And this, being a sleep deprived thought. But is Chernyl�€™s name taken from Chernobyl?
Ciel is actually Baba Yaga.
Yeah, you�€™re more than welcome to, though those discussions would be made easier if you join the discord, since it has a channel dedicated to it.
He also said she's been a great help. Slowly learning to appreciate her!
It's interesting that she wants so badly to keep Noah alive, given that she's probably a spirit of pandemonium, but still! Being alive is generally considered to be a good thing, so perhaps it's better to just take the help sometimes.
@Gils @Violet
Ciels entire purpose is to keep Noah alive, no matter how rude he is to her,she said so in page 1635 and her behavior does not indicate otherwise.
Her advise might be callous but she she has no interest in bloodshed for the sake of it.
I also doubt she is a spirit of pandemonium given that she was created by Noahs power instead of being its source.
Ciel is like "You are the worst person to avatar for". That stubborn refusal to use his powers is probably also saving Noah, though.
Now I see. Ciel doesn't want Noah to use his power to get more power herself, no, it's all for science' sake! Also it is, what Noah's wish drives her to do as she is there to explain his powers to him :O
Is that an 8-bit Theatre reference?
Noel rightly aghast that Noah didn't bring this up sooner
@Brownie : that's what Ciel claims. Now, does she really tell the naked truth ?
I think Ciel is a spirit of but doesn't know it, she seems to have truly thought she was just a mental construct. I think she is what happens if you make a more bestial or simpler spirit suddenly sapient and attatch it to a persons brain.
Of course she isn't wrong. Also, Windows gives himself far too much credit and Ciel far, far too little.
I don't believe she's a Pandemonium Spirit by the way. Chernyl's nightmares on the other hand...