31276: TheMegax - Wednesday, April 27 2022 - 5:01 PM
I think like, it's fine. You don't need to activate the A-bombs now, we're just chilling for a bit
31277: Feddlefew - Wednesday, April 27 2022 - 6:03 PM
Is this the tallboys doing, or has 1 been infected for gods know how long?
31278: someone - Wednesday, April 27 2022 - 8:00 PM
you have normal eyes, so I assume you will be easier to reason with than people with demon eyes.
31280: Greg the not nightmare - Wednesday, April 27 2022 - 8:57 PM
Uhhhhh no. No you did not. That was Number one sneezing. Lot�€™s of pollen in the air you know.
31281: Whim - Wednesday, April 27 2022 - 9:03 PM
Nahhhh, just shot a nightmare. Don't worry about it!
31282: fan - Wednesday, April 27 2022 - 9:47 PM
Man, I hope Halmer survives this arc! He is shown to be a really decent person throughout this whole story,
31283: Sloss - Wednesday, April 27 2022 - 11:35 PM
That one looks more reasonable than the other 2
31284: Sporf - Thursday, April 28 2022 - 12:40 AM
Let's hope this one is somewhat sensible. I mean with 1 and 2 dead what's he got to lose for disobedience?
31285: Diju - Thursday, April 28 2022 - 12:41 AM
The creepiest part of this is he�€™s smiling, even though his skin no longer a part of him you can still tell that he�€™s smiling.
31286: Tom - Thursday, April 28 2022 - 12:52 AM
Good riddance. In the end he died looking like the monster he was.
31287: Eight - Thursday, April 28 2022 - 4:15 AM
Nahhhh, bad connection. Static. We are much better now.
31288: Franz - Thursday, April 28 2022 - 6:36 AM
Number 3 looks suspiciously human compared to 1 and 2
31289: Saiko - Thursday, April 28 2022 - 7:22 AM
Shot by his own shotgun? Didn't expect that.
31290: Aston Whiteman - Thursday, April 28 2022 - 8:24 AM
3 is a surfer dude?
31291: Aston Whiteman - Thursday, April 28 2022 - 8:25 AM
Now all the legs need is an upper body...where could they find one lying around.
31292: Brownie 24128 - Thursday, April 28 2022 - 10:05 AM
Wait, the banner says soon again. ANOTHER chapter drop, maybe several? There are daily pages since December 2020 and for a total of over 700 Pages! How can the buffer still be bigger than 500?!?
31293: UnknownID - Thursday, April 28 2022 - 11:14 AM
Congratulation Number Three, you are now Number One! :D
Looks like a Tobi chapter drop is on its way *-*
31294: noname - Thursday, April 28 2022 - 1:29 PM
Just tell him that #1 got mind controlled by some Nightmare and murdered #2 in a fit of madness but that the mission is still a-go... Or tell him the truth and hope that he's a slightly better human than #1 and #2 were... I wouldn't do the latter but I trust your judgement Halmer... I do hope you're going to survive this...
I think like, it's fine. You don't need to activate the A-bombs now, we're just chilling for a bit
Is this the tallboys doing, or has 1 been infected for gods know how long?
you have normal eyes, so I assume you will be easier to reason with than people with demon eyes.
Uhhhhh no. No you did not. That was Number one sneezing. Lot�€™s of pollen in the air you know.
Nahhhh, just shot a nightmare. Don't worry about it!
Man, I hope Halmer survives this arc! He is shown to be a really decent person throughout this whole story,
That one looks more reasonable than the other 2
Let's hope this one is somewhat sensible. I mean with 1 and 2 dead what's he got to lose for disobedience?
The creepiest part of this is he�€™s smiling, even though his skin no longer a part of him you can still tell that he�€™s smiling.
Good riddance. In the end he died looking like the monster he was.
Nahhhh, bad connection. Static. We are much better now.
Number 3 looks suspiciously human compared to 1 and 2
Shot by his own shotgun? Didn't expect that.
3 is a surfer dude?
Now all the legs need is an upper body...where could they find one lying around.
Wait, the banner says soon again. ANOTHER chapter drop, maybe several? There are daily pages since December 2020 and for a total of over 700 Pages! How can the buffer still be bigger than 500?!?
Congratulation Number Three, you are now Number One! :D
Looks like a Tobi chapter drop is on its way *-*
Just tell him that #1 got mind controlled by some Nightmare and murdered #2 in a fit of madness but that the mission is still a-go... Or tell him the truth and hope that he's a slightly better human than #1 and #2 were... I wouldn't do the latter but I trust your judgement Halmer... I do hope you're going to survive this...