29480: someone - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 12:34 AM
I can't tell if he's glowing more, or if he just got surprised by the sudden nailage
29481: joe - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 2:12 AM
29482: Tom - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 2:57 AM
Nail is so badass that his name is its own sound effect.
29483: DJenky - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 3:15 AM
Does anyone survive long enough to actually end up on Nail's list? Maybe he keeps a postit...
29484: Zyzyzyryxy - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 3:32 AM
Noah would fit the mage and Nail - the ninja in Burk's dream team. If those story lines ever converge that is.
29485: Stunk - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 5:09 AM
Lol, didnā€™t notice that, I guess everyone is just a player in burks story line.
29486: Stunk - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 5:14 AM
Lol, didnā€™t notice that, I guess everyone is just a player in burks story line.
29487: Zed - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 6:23 AM
I can't tell if the shield was regenerating & doing its job or not.
29488: Maiker - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 6:47 AM
I bet coins Nail would be not able to communicate with Noah in the next page because of current Ciel interferention
29489: Luminous Lead - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 7:34 AM
Nail has unsubscribed to the nightmares.
29492: Eight - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 11:22 AM
"Imagine being on Nail's shitlist." That would be a nightmare! - If this were an RPG and Nail were my PC, I would slash that bleeding picture, just on the off-chance that doing this would have any effect on the depicted monster.
29493: UnknownID - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 11:41 AM
Nail's kill count will be soon over 9000 if this goes on like this :D
29494: Balmung - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 11:55 AM
Woo, finally caught up after a ~1000 page archive binge.
It's been longer than I thought.
Anyway, it didn't look like that nightmare was breaking or cracking Noah's bubble so much as dissolving it.
29495: Stunk - Wednesday, January 12 2022 - 3:08 PM
Lol, didnā€™t notice that, I guess everyone is just a player in burks story line.
29502: Balmung - Thursday, January 13 2022 - 9:47 AM
Woo, finally caught up after a ~1000 page archive binge.
It's been longer than I thought.
Anyway, it didn't look like that nightmare was breaking or cracking Noah's bubble so much as dissolving it.
I can't tell if he's glowing more, or if he just got surprised by the sudden nailage
Nail is so badass that his name is its own sound effect.
Does anyone survive long enough to actually end up on Nail's list? Maybe he keeps a postit...
Noah would fit the mage and Nail - the ninja in Burk's dream team. If those story lines ever converge that is.
Lol, didnā€™t notice that, I guess everyone is just a player in burks story line.
Lol, didnā€™t notice that, I guess everyone is just a player in burks story line.
I can't tell if the shield was regenerating & doing its job or not.
I bet coins Nail would be not able to communicate with Noah in the next page because of current Ciel interferention
Nail has unsubscribed to the nightmares.
"Imagine being on Nail's shitlist." That would be a nightmare! - If this were an RPG and Nail were my PC, I would slash that bleeding picture, just on the off-chance that doing this would have any effect on the depicted monster.
Nail's kill count will be soon over 9000 if this goes on like this :D
Woo, finally caught up after a ~1000 page archive binge.
It's been longer than I thought.
Anyway, it didn't look like that nightmare was breaking or cracking Noah's bubble so much as dissolving it.
Lol, didnā€™t notice that, I guess everyone is just a player in burks story line.
Woo, finally caught up after a ~1000 page archive binge.
It's been longer than I thought.
Anyway, it didn't look like that nightmare was breaking or cracking Noah's bubble so much as dissolving it.