28876: Random Soldier - Monday, November 29 2021 - 9:11 PM
Ten bucks they start spawning inside the house now.
28877: Whispers of Sorrow - Tuesday, November 30 2021 - 1:40 AM
If I were them, I'd be worried about that picture.
28878: noname - Tuesday, November 30 2021 - 3:11 AM
@Whispers of Sorrow
Quite... This house looks normal at a glance, but it's CLEARLY got a certain "haunted house" aesthetic to it, meaning that even if it lacks the creepy, staring eyes it's still very probably nightmare-influenced.
28879: Tom - Tuesday, November 30 2021 - 3:24 AM
Love the blind confidence of the secret police in the last panel.
Like, you're dealing with literal nightmares that can spawn anywhere, maybe temper your expectations a tad.
28880: Bisected - Tuesday, November 30 2021 - 3:37 AM
Nice guy
28882: Ecthel - Tuesday, November 30 2021 - 8:44 AM
The question is, did they lock the monsters out or did they lock themselves in ?
28883: VVK - Tuesday, November 30 2021 - 9:00 AM
@Random Soldier
Ten bucks says the house IS a nightmare
28884: SomeGuy411 - Tuesday, November 30 2021 - 1:27 PM
House-dark and full of terrors
Fire-is life
28885: Saiko - Tuesday, November 30 2021 - 1:57 PM
It may be created by the Chernyl's power, sure. Even if not, they should expect the zombies coming through windows (like in almost any zombie movie) or in this case just "teleporting" in. Also, always check the basement. That's where the mystery hides.
28886: UnknownID - Tuesday, November 30 2021 - 3:16 PM
Don't screw Nail! :O
28887: Charter - Tuesday, November 30 2021 - 9:31 PM
"...so we lost the one guy who claimed he could solve this. Nuke time."
28888: Keinname - Tuesday, November 30 2021 - 11:53 PM
Maybe such blind confidence and complete lack of fear is exactly what keeps Nightmares at bay?
After all, can you still call it a nightmare if you are completely unfazed by it?
28889: adam - Wednesday, December 1 2021 - 12:03 AM
I love how unfazed the secret police are, even if it seems like it's being set up that it's blind arrogance and will get them killed.
Very no nonsense while being nonsensical in its own way.
29025: Aston Whiteman - Monday, December 13 2021 - 1:33 AM
Secret Police have amazing training.
29026: Aston Whiteman - Monday, December 13 2021 - 1:37 AM
Secret Police have amazing training.That soldier tho..
Ten bucks they start spawning inside the house now.
If I were them, I'd be worried about that picture.
@Whispers of Sorrow
Quite... This house looks normal at a glance, but it's CLEARLY got a certain "haunted house" aesthetic to it, meaning that even if it lacks the creepy, staring eyes it's still very probably nightmare-influenced.
Love the blind confidence of the secret police in the last panel.
Like, you're dealing with literal nightmares that can spawn anywhere, maybe temper your expectations a tad.
Nice guy
The question is, did they lock the monsters out or did they lock themselves in ?
@Random Soldier
Ten bucks says the house IS a nightmare
House-dark and full of terrors
Fire-is life
It may be created by the Chernyl's power, sure. Even if not, they should expect the zombies coming through windows (like in almost any zombie movie) or in this case just "teleporting" in. Also, always check the basement. That's where the mystery hides.
Don't screw Nail! :O
"...so we lost the one guy who claimed he could solve this. Nuke time."
Maybe such blind confidence and complete lack of fear is exactly what keeps Nightmares at bay?
After all, can you still call it a nightmare if you are completely unfazed by it?
I love how unfazed the secret police are, even if it seems like it's being set up that it's blind arrogance and will get them killed.
Very no nonsense while being nonsensical in its own way.
Secret Police have amazing training.
Secret Police have amazing training.That soldier tho..