24318: noname - Monday, January 18 2021 - 10:20 PM
Ciel may not mean to cause Noah discomfort or alarm, but I bet she doesn't have anything against the fact that she's doing so, either... Who knows? Maybe he could WISH himself across, HMMM?
24319: A Loquacious Theorizer - Tuesday, January 19 2021 - 12:37 AM
It appears that @datren called it, and the "cats" home in on Spirit usage.
24320: Whispers of Sorrow - Tuesday, January 19 2021 - 5:30 AM
See, this is why you should have practiced using your power instead of just lying there and floating Noah.
@Neo's commentary: Truer words never spoken.
24321: traer - Tuesday, January 19 2021 - 8:36 AM
Two Monday posts?
24322: Zed - Tuesday, January 19 2021 - 9:44 AM
I believe this one was simply posted 3 hours early, but is the Tuesday comic.
And yes, the timing for the cats showing up is definitely suspicious, but a cat showed up earlier without any spirit activating, so it could just be bad timing. There are 40 of those things purrading around, after all.
Ciel may not mean to cause Noah discomfort or alarm, but I bet she doesn't have anything against the fact that she's doing so, either... Who knows? Maybe he could WISH himself across, HMMM?
It appears that @datren called it, and the "cats" home in on Spirit usage.
See, this is why you should have practiced using your power instead of just lying there and floating Noah.
@Neo's commentary: Truer words never spoken.
Two Monday posts?
I believe this one was simply posted 3 hours early, but is the Tuesday comic.
And yes, the timing for the cats showing up is definitely suspicious, but a cat showed up earlier without any spirit activating, so it could just be bad timing. There are 40 of those things purrading around, after all.