So let's assume that's a Malhart painting (or some part of his power) for a second.
This totally explains how he's been able to hide out this entire time--he can create things like this that do not even exist in the physical reality (which grants practically infinite infiltration ability.)
23070: Daran - Saturday, August 8 2020 - 2:33 AM
Probably from their Foster Father Malhart to detect them/mark them so he can save them from Prison.
23071: prosopagnostic - Saturday, August 8 2020 - 2:36 AM
Is that Kimberly?
23075: UnknownID - Saturday, August 8 2020 - 6:35 AM
The cat is really cute :)
But it looks like Ciel has found something more interesting than the flying cat face...
23076: prosopagnostic - Saturday, August 8 2020 - 7:35 AM
Hard to recognize Dzjameel without a hat.
23077: Tor - Saturday, August 8 2020 - 12:54 PM
Well.. is likely important to recall that one of the kids who got away could teleport. Or at least something that looked like it.
Perhaps those are marks for him.
23078: Straightbackward - Saturday, August 8 2020 - 1:01 PM
Hum, based on cat being Malhart's creation this seems like the way Veda captures Malhart in his attempt to save the children. (If such thing happens)
Man, Noah's still on such an interesting position. Reporting to Veda, moral dilemmas aside, will raise his value/worth to her; she's sort of counting on that and this shows initiative. That's also Noah's best shot at not having to do sports/military training(?).
23079: spunk - Saturday, August 8 2020 - 7:42 PM
When you have a chance to do a flip you take it.
23080: EstherTb - Saturday, August 8 2020 - 11:11 PM
I wonder what�€™s going to happen if one of Malharts kids actually sees/senses Noah and if it change anything
23082: tracer - Sunday, August 9 2020 - 7:14 AM
> I wonder what's going to happen if one of Malharts kids actually sees/senses Noah and if it change anything
So let's assume that's a Malhart painting (or some part of his power) for a second.
This totally explains how he's been able to hide out this entire time--he can create things like this that do not even exist in the physical reality (which grants practically infinite infiltration ability.)
Probably from their Foster Father Malhart to detect them/mark them so he can save them from Prison.
Is that Kimberly?
The cat is really cute :)
But it looks like Ciel has found something more interesting than the flying cat face...
Hard to recognize Dzjameel without a hat.
Well.. is likely important to recall that one of the kids who got away could teleport. Or at least something that looked like it.
Perhaps those are marks for him.
Hum, based on cat being Malhart's creation this seems like the way Veda captures Malhart in his attempt to save the children. (If such thing happens)
Man, Noah's still on such an interesting position. Reporting to Veda, moral dilemmas aside, will raise his value/worth to her; she's sort of counting on that and this shows initiative. That's also Noah's best shot at not having to do sports/military training(?).
When you have a chance to do a flip you take it.
I wonder what�€™s going to happen if one of Malharts kids actually sees/senses Noah and if it change anything
> I wonder what's going to happen if one of Malharts kids actually sees/senses Noah and if it change anything
Only the redhead with eyeglasses could see him.