Tuesday, December 12 2017 - 1:47 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

First task.
To test the validity of this assignment, please guess what Olena has in her pocket.
If anyone can blindly guess what it is, they get a "you can fake your way through a spirit observation test"-award.
A blindfold!
A knifeses!
She has the precious in her pocket of course. What else could it be?
I think we all know what's going to happen next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dprEW7Ec6bE
A pocket within a pocket!
A literal mask!
A ring of some sort?
Absolutely nothing!
A snack.
I'm going to guess... a bomb of some kind. The second part will involve finding and disarming it or some such.
Cell Phone
a goat.
3 coins
Is it a pen?
A scrap of paper?
A pencil?
Maybe something more common, like that?
A cute picture of the emperor?
An angry mammoth!
A skyscraper!
An entire aircraft carrier battle group!
It's probably a key or some other item that lets you in and out of the bunker.
Or points! Points is always right.
I'ma gonna guess the object with Garth's spirit.
Plus pocket lint.
Tie. It's his tie. Ten to one he wasn't fully warned this was what was going to happen and he's making shit up on the spot. Yes, we were informed HE was informed, but I'm viewing anything from Veda as unreliable narration, and if he's flying by the seat of his pants, picking random objects out of his own pockets and passing them to the varying guards would make more sense.
I'm guessing THIS because Veda WANTS this to be a win for the varying mages. She -wants- the chaff to get out and additionally NOT be fully trained. I'm wondering if the trained is to avoid indoctrination, or to avoid them being capable of...something. Hard to say.
There's also the possibility she actually knows Noah's power, but can't go about being direct in knowing what it is because reasons, in which case, whatever item it is could be literally anything that can fit in a pocket, and she's trying to force Noah to use his power.
Well this is simple enough. It's an object imbued with Garth's spirit.
A finger! Wait, that doesn't count? Damn!
Birthday pressent
It’s Garth, masking his spirit.
I love magic training. Have I mentioned this before?
An earing
A scarf, silk or otherwise
Brass knuckles
A copy of Failure: Best of Felix volume xviii
A bottled fairy.
A pocket mirror? =)
I seriously hope Natalie will not earn 0 points again. Otherwise she looses my support and is doomed for the magic power extractor - aka a Blender.
String or nothing!
Is that a banana in her pocket or is she happy... Wait... this doesn't work with women.
Something useful to the plot, something useless to the plot, an egg holding what will eventually become Noah's Beast Companion/Battling Partner.
A piece of stone.
Because Noah definitely has to rock this assignment, right?
Noah's execution order?
A statue of Garth in the Hercules pose fighting a Hydra with the heads of his pupils and some bloke who owes him a fiver.
A plush
A photograph
A pillow
Oh, I got a better one. The head of his dead mother!
A lucky marble
Trick question, she doesn’t have any pockets.
Spirit imbued lump of atoms?...
Could it be The One Ring?
Air, obviously.
It's either a potato, or not a potato.
A bazooka and permit.
A piece of the magiball.
Nothing, the object is not in the pocket.
I have the answer! It was a trick question: she doesn't have any pockets!! Irregular Webcomic/Podcast for the wiiinn!
it's me. i'm in her pocket. i win.