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Burk - 3940
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Monday, September 2 2024 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Protect the painting.

Burk understands that true art outlives us all.

43446: Zet - Monday, September 2 2024 - 12:07 AM

Evyle truly loves him, she just doesn't know it yet.

43447: K - Monday, September 2 2024 - 12:28 AM

One of us! ONE OF US!

43448: Fan - Monday, September 2 2024 - 12:59 AM

Wonder what Burk's type is? We know it involves muscles, but does it matters which sex those muscles belongs to?

Now who could this be calling Burk?

43449: MaZe - Monday, September 2 2024 - 1:02 AM

I knew he was handicapping himself with that. So ridiculous cause he probably doesn't even care about it and just decided to have a rule to not let it get damaged.

43450: Paintr - Monday, September 2 2024 - 1:43 AM

You know, in some ways Burk reminds of the Ghouls. His goal oriented lifestyle almost seems like he's got some sort of hidden calculation he's using to figure out what to do next.
Kind of like a person following a quest log, with a UI and a score. But, not quite.

43451: Gobo - Monday, September 2 2024 - 1:55 AM

So, what's up with Smile Inc and Burk both being evidently obsessed with gigantic paintings of pigs?

43452: Potatopeelerkind - Monday, September 2 2024 - 4:40 AM

I'm guessing this is Alexander Logan now.

43453: Melany - Monday, September 2 2024 - 4:52 AM

Oh my god, Evyle's actually going to become Burk's disciple. I love this arc so goddamn much 999/10 never stop

43454: AnonymousPerson - Monday, September 2 2024 - 5:09 AM

I know lots of commenters think he's gay, but I think gender is of no object to him. There just tends to be more muscular men than women.

43455: Tom - Sunday, September 1 2024 - 10:58 PM

Evyle wants to become Burk's disciple? I'm all for it.

Unfortunately for her, she's lacking in the muscles department for Burk to fall or her.

43456: Silver - Monday, September 2 2024 - 6:09 AM

Yeah, this paintings is going to turn somehow important, like the cat was. I've learnt to trust in the burk

43457: Welf - Monday, September 2 2024 - 12:33 AM

Maybe Burk will one day meet Foxy nd her muscle hair. Then we'll see where he stands.

43458: Sloss - Monday, September 2 2024 - 8:44 AM

...And she's recruited.

43459: DDR - Monday, September 2 2024 - 9:34 AM

OK, but what a power couple they'd be, amirite?

43460: Otter Claw - Monday, September 2 2024 - 10:50 AM

I'm surprise too, but not just because of the heroes set against Burk, because right now we're talking about rainfall that should be destroying the painting itself or the frame at any rate encouraging rot. How's Burk going to protect it against water damage huh?

43461: Mars - Monday, September 2 2024 - 10:57 AM

I love this comic so much

43463: Mallory - Monday, September 2 2024 - 11:25 AM

I dunno how safe it is to assume Evyle is any flavor of straight...

She hangs around w/ cool eldritch beings, despises those at the top, wants to burn everything down, changed her name, despises her family, and places autonomy over everything else...

43464: TaranAlvein - Monday, September 2 2024 - 1:41 PM

@Mallory - I don't think any of those things are indicative of sexuality...

43465: Melany - Monday, September 2 2024 - 2:53 PM

@Otter Claw
The painting might be laminated. It's from a royal house, so the odds of that are pretty good.

43466: noname - Monday, September 2 2024 - 3:54 PM

They're not NECESSARILY indicative of sexuality, but if you've hung around in LGBT+ spaces a lot then you start to recognize a lot of them as a kind of LGBT+ coding:

Many enby people feel a kind of kindred connection to eldritch beings since they, being nonbinary people walking around in a world as heavily binary as ours, often feel like they don't quite belong in the human world. The LGBT+ community in general tend to end up suffering pretty badly due to systemic classism which, in turn, leads many of them to adopt a rather "eat the rich, burn it all down, start again from scratch" attitude. Her reacting negatively to being referred to by her deadname especially brings people under the trans umbrella to mind, and I wish I didn't know how many trans people that end up just wanting to cut all ties to their families due to mistreatment and/or abuse. Autonomy has also always been important in the LGBT+ community since they, more-so than just about all other demographics, have had theirs systematically undermined.

In short, it is quite easy to read into Evyle that she may not be entirely cishet. It certainly also helps that Neorice has never shied away from LGBT+ inclusion and representation in the past.

43467: Gobo - Monday, September 2 2024 - 5:37 PM

Evyle hasn't met Adell yet so there is no way to be sure if she's a lesbian or not.

43468: nullum - Monday, September 2 2024 - 5:53 PM

Although... even as you describe it, a lot of that stuff arises not from being LGBT+ but rather from being oppressed for simply being who you are. In a society that lacks such ingrained bigotry, these responses seem less likely. I don't think we've seen any indication of how Heroland society treats LGBT+ matters?
Obviously, Evyle mightn't be cishet regardless; she just might strive to be a being of chaos for other reasons.

43473: Kiithnaras - Tuesday, September 3 2024 - 2:11 AM

Oh, I see...so Burk wasn't actually overwhelmed by these heroes, he was just deliberately taking some hits so he could save his painting.


43476: noname - Tuesday, September 3 2024 - 4:44 AM

You are correct. Like I said, the things listed aren't NECESSARILY indicative of a person not being cishet, but they do come with the coding.

As for whether the world of HoH has bigotry in it or not: We already know that the Beast King is quite intolerant of "non-productives" -- meaning gay and transgender people -- and that a recognized number of "non-productive" beastmen find their way to Lorg specifically because it's one of the places in the world that doesn't discriminate against "deviant lifestyles" (Levin's words, not mine).

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