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Burk - 3935
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood


A rough estimation of how long a seed may stay inside you if you swallow it, hypothetically.

43366: Tor - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 1:09 AM

Im sure a nice, fiber rich diet could help Sky-Stroke pass this little issue much further.

Still got to love how casual Nightshade remains about this entire mess.

43367: Zet - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 1:44 AM

The seed has probably left the intestines earlier, waiting until moment X. Though Skyguy is the only one we know for sure to survive this episode.

43368: Baprr - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 1:56 AM

I'm glad Piper isn't here to comment on swallowing nasty seed.

43369: Saiko - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 1:58 AM

Huh, I thought it would sprout, inside this manure rich environment.

43370: Tom - Tuesday, August 27 2024 - 7:00 PM

I appreciate how Sky isn't just a himbo, but actually has a healthy working brain.

43371: noname - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 2:25 AM

I think I read something once, about a decade ago or so, about a guy who had a plant of some kind take root in him or something... Though, if memory serves me right, that was a birch seed that had somehow taken root on/in his eye... which, you know, is absolutely horrifying in its own right...

43372: Cromire - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 3:14 AM

I am mainly interested in learning if Nightshade tries to be familiar to Eville again because 'they cooperated for so long before' and brings up the cat so that situation will be finally cleared up and Nightshade learns about the Wandering Spirit thing.

43373: ihaveaname - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 5:06 AM

Who's Yanno?

43374: Silver - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 5:36 AM

Seems like he torpedoed his relationship with Skystroke. For what though?

Alfen is convinced that Burk is a top level hero probably sent from the top. Maybe he thinks that once Sky-Stroke speaks with his white star he'll change his mind.

Is he doing all this out of a sense of loyalty for heroland?? Is he just trying to suck up to the top so that his rank will rise? Or is he just working for the greater good? (like hell he is)

43375: random - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 6:37 AM


I think Alfen is just purely curious about the events going on, along with the persons instigating them. He is powerful and clever enough to save his own butt, and as any sane thinking human likely not-too-loyal to any form of authority (that acts mostly for their own interest).

Granted, he can have some ulterior motives, but I think he is the hero equivalent of that imprisoned guy in the Held arc. He appreciates entertainment.

43376: Silver - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 7:46 AM


You're right, that suits him. I'm overthinking it. Acting mostly for his own interest is probably going to be his motive. He certainly likes the entertainment, and I think that's why he'd been so willing to be a tour guide to Pablo's group, but I think he's burned a bridge to far with this to be purely for entertainment.

Time for more overthinking.

There's the fact that he directly interacted with the cat. My understanding is that most of the heroes probably had no idea the contracts were created by an Esper, much less that there were the hidden terms in them.

So if I'm going to assume self-interest, here's what might be what's happening: Icy Queen discovers the thing with the contracts and gets her powers removed and a bounty. Nightshade gets told of this or discovers it alongside her and, to save his skin, somehow becomes a servant of Vonesperda. So as soon as he realised that Burk and Co. freed him from servitude, he helps out to make sure the executives don't win because if they do, as someone who like the Icy Queen knew that they were up to no good, they'll go after him when all this is done.

Let's see how many pages this theory will survive!

43377: Deliverance - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 8:03 AM


Given that Nightshade just told Skystroke to contact his white star hero (i.e. the top level hero he is assigned to) to hear whether Burk is a valid target, it seems a safe assumption that Yanno is the name of said white star hero.

43378: Strannik - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 9:09 AM

@Ihaveaname : probably the white Star hero spoken about a page earlier. I dont think we met him.

43379: Tor - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 1:26 PM

I find it hilarious people seems to be working themselves into knots figuring out Alfens angle on this.

When the most simple explanation is that he is motivated by a combination of wanting to help the people who helped his friend Ice Queen. And strike back at the Executives who put a bounty on her head.

43380: Mars - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 3:22 PM

TIL! What an educational comic!

43381: simplybecause - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 7:10 PM

@noname sauce?

43382: TaranAlvein - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 8:17 PM

@Tor - And who collared him for their own self-interests, too. Since Nightshade knew about the contracts, I'm sure he wasn't too happy about that.

@noname - Are you being serious, or was that just an oblique Fallout reference?

43383: Gils - Wednesday, August 28 2024 - 11:34 PM

most importantly does it burn when pees now or horrific stabbing pains with blood. Just wanna say again that was a hit we felt and anyone would want revenge.

43411: Potatopeelerkind - Friday, August 30 2024 - 5:06 PM

@ihaveaname Don't be silly, Yanno who he is.

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