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Burk - 3884
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Monday, July 8 2024 - 12:00 AM
By: Neoriceisgood

Ice Pawns.


42599: random - Monday, July 8 2024 - 1:19 AM

She is pawnting him a picture of the escape route, nice ... Or pawnting him in the right direction? Or making him take the queen's gambit? Or trying to put the shaders off the chess?

There is a good pun somewhere there, I just can't find it... :/

42601: Tom - Sunday, July 7 2024 - 8:50 PM

Icy Queen is awesome!

42602: Paintr - Monday, July 8 2024 - 6:33 AM

Sounds like an easy to track trail... But with the surveillance they've shown so far stealth seems of limited possibility.

42603: Fluffynator - Monday, July 8 2024 - 7:04 AM

Ice Queen is actually really strong, damn.

42604: Silver - Monday, July 8 2024 - 7:40 AM

So Pablo can reliably be protected from Shaders by chess pawns. Poor Shaders having shade thrown on them at every point.

42605: Silver - Monday, July 8 2024 - 7:47 AM

Sorry for the double post, but I just figured out something.

Shaders are probably the only large organization so far that I don't think have any women in it. Probably a reason they look so faceless. Sharing the exact same body type doesn't help either. Total mooks!

Stands out a lot too in a comic that has such unique designs and body types for even background characters. So I've come to the genius realisation that this choice was intentional!

42606: Dubu - Monday, July 8 2024 - 5:10 PM

Icy Queen it's just too cool!

42607: Sandman366 - Monday, July 8 2024 - 7:08 PM

Guys, just tell Burk that his buddy's outside the town walls.

The only thing left to do will be bet on what size hole the wall will be getting.

42608: Darius Drake - Monday, July 8 2024 - 5:06 PM

@ Silver: Who says that Shader's don't have women? The shared body-type is likely a result of their costume being full-body padding.

If we assume Burk's 6 Feet Tall, and Pablo's 5 Feet Tall, then the Shader's are all consistently about 6 feet tall as well. Which is ridiculous, given that we know that they're taken from the general populace, and Pablo's 5 feet height isn't that uncommon.

Instead, Shader's almost certainly have a default uniform that's adjusted to have them appear to be completely uniform and interchangeable. This would easily include armour that makes their chests uniform, and could easily include some sort of stilts or other seeming leg-extenders that allow those who are shorter to appear to be the same height as the average.

Not sure what they do for the tall Shader's, though. Probably disqualify them, turn them into C-List Hero's, or have them take on Superior Shader Roles.

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