That or Burk going Super Sayan 3 by using his red and blue spirits.
42169: Silver - Saturday, June 8 2024 - 6:24 AM
Guess it really was impregnable.
42170: Zyzyzyryxy - Saturday, June 8 2024 - 7:12 AM
Major plot twist incoming for sure.
My bet is that shader from panel 2 is someone else (Evyle? Probably not, but who knows? His right arm looks less bent, more handing by the side). Him requesting a very specific path smells like a trap.
Entering the dome will allow Sabrina / Piper to unleash her power on the hero, so it can turn around this fight.
And I already stated before that Guy is probably waiting to see if it is really necessary for him to show his skills / power. "as long as you stay still" is a sure way to tell he won't stand up to fight.
42171: MaZe - Saturday, June 8 2024 - 9:06 AM
Pablo really somehow managed to gather a dangerous group of people. Like by complete accident too.
42172: Soup - Saturday, June 8 2024 - 10:02 AM
Ok, I can see the three heroes evyle beat up interfering in some way. And the plant hero is probably going to want answers about what’s going on. ice queen should have her powers back now. There is also a small chance corkscrew is still hanging around somewhere. Oh, Goldman’s team is also still around so they might try and get payback which might interrupt some of the other heroes’ plans
42173: MyNomDePlume - Saturday, June 8 2024 - 10:38 AM
The reason the shader is having Pablo go a specific route is the executives plan on having him killed by another assassin they have (see accidents may happen post).
The fact that we haven't see Evyle yet suggests that nothing is brewing with that conflict (especially as Evyle is looking to cause as much problems to the executives as possible).
I kinda feel Slightly for the heros in the last panel as he looks like he takes no pleasure in killing a captured individual, even one who he is told is a dangerous terrorist.
And I'm still waiting for Burk to...well, Burk out. We've seen a lot of him just kinda doing his thing, ignoring and casually plowing through chump enemies. I wanna see him start punting heroes over the horizon.
42174: player_03 - Saturday, June 8 2024 - 10:49 AM
@Zyzyzyryxy The shader could be the assassin Dolk contacted on page 3828, trying to set up a scenario where Pablo's death can look like an accident.
42175: ALandFarAway - Saturday, June 8 2024 - 11:43 AM
Scully looks horrified.
42176: Some guy - Saturday, June 8 2024 - 1:09 PM
An entire page about how they've essentially won already? Yeah, they're toast.
42177: Bogg - Saturday, June 8 2024 - 2:04 PM
"It's always darkest before the dawn"
42178: Zet - Saturday, June 8 2024 - 3:17 PM
So did Piper succeed in sending off the signal?
42179: Aston Whiteman - Sunday, June 9 2024 - 1:14 AM
Quick, switch to Tobi, Held or Noah!
Leave us all in suspense to a plot twist that we all totally forgot about!
Pretty sure Evyle isn't next. Besides it was her spooky spirit who was taking over..
42180: Lord_Incaros - Sunday, June 9 2024 - 1:20 AM
Barely hanging by a thread, despite having no new injuries from the hero drop, and managing to avoid damage while holding a body and a large painting. Hero drop operators aren't chosen for their wits, are they?
Uh, things are kinda looking grim there.
Evylle to the rescue?
That or Burk going Super Sayan 3 by using his red and blue spirits.
Guess it really was impregnable.
Major plot twist incoming for sure.
My bet is that shader from panel 2 is someone else (Evyle? Probably not, but who knows? His right arm looks less bent, more handing by the side). Him requesting a very specific path smells like a trap.
Entering the dome will allow Sabrina / Piper to unleash her power on the hero, so it can turn around this fight.
And I already stated before that Guy is probably waiting to see if it is really necessary for him to show his skills / power. "as long as you stay still" is a sure way to tell he won't stand up to fight.
Pablo really somehow managed to gather a dangerous group of people. Like by complete accident too.
Ok, I can see the three heroes evyle beat up interfering in some way. And the plant hero is probably going to want answers about what’s going on. ice queen should have her powers back now. There is also a small chance corkscrew is still hanging around somewhere. Oh, Goldman’s team is also still around so they might try and get payback which might interrupt some of the other heroes’ plans
The reason the shader is having Pablo go a specific route is the executives plan on having him killed by another assassin they have (see accidents may happen post).
The fact that we haven't see Evyle yet suggests that nothing is brewing with that conflict (especially as Evyle is looking to cause as much problems to the executives as possible).
I kinda feel Slightly for the heros in the last panel as he looks like he takes no pleasure in killing a captured individual, even one who he is told is a dangerous terrorist.
And I'm still waiting for Burk to...well, Burk out. We've seen a lot of him just kinda doing his thing, ignoring and casually plowing through chump enemies. I wanna see him start punting heroes over the horizon.
@Zyzyzyryxy The shader could be the assassin Dolk contacted on page 3828, trying to set up a scenario where Pablo's death can look like an accident.
Scully looks horrified.
An entire page about how they've essentially won already? Yeah, they're toast.
"It's always darkest before the dawn"
So did Piper succeed in sending off the signal?
Quick, switch to Tobi, Held or Noah!
Leave us all in suspense to a plot twist that we all totally forgot about!
Pretty sure Evyle isn't next. Besides it was her spooky spirit who was taking over..
Barely hanging by a thread, despite having no new injuries from the hero drop, and managing to avoid damage while holding a body and a large painting. Hero drop operators aren't chosen for their wits, are they?