23659: Brilliand - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 4:09 AM
Yes, Pablo beat Goldman by telling Burk to punch him. It's a very powerful technique.
23660: Lurker - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 5:17 AM
Thanks for the daily updates! I really appreciate it.
23661: Lord_Incaros - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 5:30 AM
Burk was Goldman's biggest weakness. A person who is powerful WITHOUT using magic. I hope Pablo realizes this wasn't Burk's fault. He was pretty much forced into the fight and tried to avoid it. On the plus side, Pablo can probably spin this to his advantage.
23662: Lord_Incaros - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 5:40 AM
I guess the daily updates are over. They lasted a loooong while. Not gonna lie, kinda impressed and was a lil worried something happenend and the artist/author was replaced with some kinda AI
23663: Pheristroch - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 6:33 AM
Yes. 100% agree
Diplomatic Weapon #X. Burk!
23664: Whim - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 7:26 AM
Minicha beat Goldman. We're all very impressed by her power.
23665: Tom - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 9:33 AM
@Neorice - What sound is mini-cha making? The people must know!
23666: Author's Note - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 9:50 AM
Video game chip tune victory jingle.
23668: UnknownID - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 11:34 AM
Diplomatic weapon #X Use your strong friend to beat up someone for you :D
23669: Lord_Incaros - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 5:11 PM
That reminds me...do they still have video game systems in this system, or is it like, so rare for someone to have a TV AND a video game system no one knows what they are for?
23670: Violet - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 7:59 PM
Since it's monday tomorrow, we should actually get another one then.
23671: Tssha - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 8:59 PM
I'm hearing early Final Fantasy battle victory music. Seems appropriate somehow.
23672: Whispers of Sorrow - Sunday, October 11 2020 - 9:05 PM
Sabrina doesn't need to look so happy about it.
23681: Cluedrew - Tuesday, October 13 2020 - 5:13 AM
@Pheristoch & UnknownID: I feel like "Over-Powered Ally" could be Diplomatic Weapon #2.
Yes, Pablo beat Goldman by telling Burk to punch him. It's a very powerful technique.
Thanks for the daily updates! I really appreciate it.
Burk was Goldman's biggest weakness. A person who is powerful WITHOUT using magic. I hope Pablo realizes this wasn't Burk's fault. He was pretty much forced into the fight and tried to avoid it. On the plus side, Pablo can probably spin this to his advantage.
I guess the daily updates are over. They lasted a loooong while. Not gonna lie, kinda impressed and was a lil worried something happenend and the artist/author was replaced with some kinda AI
Yes. 100% agree
Diplomatic Weapon #X. Burk!
Minicha beat Goldman. We're all very impressed by her power.
@Neorice - What sound is mini-cha making? The people must know!
Video game chip tune victory jingle.
Diplomatic weapon #X Use your strong friend to beat up someone for you :D
That reminds me...do they still have video game systems in this system, or is it like, so rare for someone to have a TV AND a video game system no one knows what they are for?
Since it's monday tomorrow, we should actually get another one then.
I'm hearing early Final Fantasy battle victory music. Seems appropriate somehow.
Sabrina doesn't need to look so happy about it.
@Pheristoch & UnknownID: I feel like "Over-Powered Ally" could be Diplomatic Weapon #2.