46059: Eight - Thursday, February 27 2025 - 3:06 AM
What?! They indeed do have work place safety/emergency exit?! Give that work place officer a bonus payment! And leave a message for those participants coming to this blocked exit later.
46060: noname - Thursday, February 27 2025 - 4:54 AM
I wonder if Maria has started to reconsider the benevolence of the organization she's aligned herself with?
46061: noname - Thursday, February 27 2025 - 4:54 AM
I wonder if Maria has started to reconsider the benevolence of the organization she's aligned herself with?
46062: Aston Whiteman - Thursday, February 27 2025 - 12:21 PM
Death. Death for all contestants. Except Tobi and Three of course...
46063: oskarloko - Thursday, February 27 2025 - 1:58 PM
They should be concerned as WHY there are so much blackwater flowing around
46064: Darius Drake - Thursday, February 27 2025 - 6:47 PM
@ Eight: Who said they have a workplace safety emergency exit? That exit is 100% made by the Warden, for the Warden, is in the Warden's Office, and is behind enough layers of shielding that it would be a nightmare to get through. And that's ignoring the fact that it's trapped worse than this one.
What?! They indeed do have work place safety/emergency exit?! Give that work place officer a bonus payment! And leave a message for those participants coming to this blocked exit later.
I wonder if Maria has started to reconsider the benevolence of the organization she's aligned herself with?
I wonder if Maria has started to reconsider the benevolence of the organization she's aligned herself with?
Death. Death for all contestants. Except Tobi and Three of course...
They should be concerned as WHY there are so much blackwater flowing around
@ Eight: Who said they have a workplace safety emergency exit? That exit is 100% made by the Warden, for the Warden, is in the Warden's Office, and is behind enough layers of shielding that it would be a nightmare to get through. And that's ignoring the fact that it's trapped worse than this one.