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Noah - 4026
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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Monday, November 25 2024 - 3:08 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

I've noticed.

Oh hello Ciel, did you lose some weight?

44705: Zobot257 - Monday, November 25 2024 - 3:52 PM


How did Noah get the Hollowman in his head? Are there any OTHER of Charnyl's nightmares in his head too? Did his wish do something like somehow "steal" Charnyl's powers and add them to his own? Is THAT what's going on here?

I'm willing to bet that Ciel's, erm, "bigger" form is something Noah asked her to stop doing so she shrank back into this one, or at least that seems like a plausible scenario to me, but is that why she's like this? And the restraints holding the Hallowman look a lot like the little square "bubbles" around her usually... does that mean she's the one restraining him or is this a manifestation of how Noah's power normally works?

What does it mean that Noah is locking the Hallowman away in his dreamscape? If he chose to release the Hallowman for some insane reason would the nightmare physically manifest in the "real" world again? What's going on in Haven right now? Where is Noah physically? Was his dream about waking up in the capitol a sign of how things really are right now or just his subconscious trying to guess what "will" happen in his future or something?

Is Charnyl no longer a threat to everyone around her? What of Malhart and his kids? Is Vida crippled for the rest of her life? What the fuck even IS Nail? Some robot or something?

Ok, now I'm just throwing question spaghetti against a wall to see what sticks, but still! I HAVE TOO MANY QUESTIONS!

44708: Whispers of Sorrow - Monday, November 25 2024 - 4:15 PM

Would nightmares have been avoidable after Haven?

Several questions remain: Why the clown? Why take a prisoner (and why just one?)? What basis did the dream have in reality? And why is home a subway?

And of course with regards to the latter there's some early weirdness that was never explained: https://www.neorice.com/hoh_noah_238
https://www.neorice.com/images/nav/noah.png I feel that something major has been staring us in the face since the start, but I can't tell what.

44709: anon - Monday, November 25 2024 - 4:32 PM

So monstrous-looking Ciel that we saw briefly was just Hallowman?

44710: Zed - Monday, November 25 2024 - 6:59 PM

She kept those horns as a souvenir of her eldritch trial period, I see. A bit tacky, honestly, maybe a ribbon would spruce it up, Ciel?

44711: Darius Drake - Monday, November 25 2024 - 7:25 PM

I'm honestly curious as to whether or not Noah can kill him. I mean, he isn't Noah's nightmare, after all.

44712: Conjurer - Monday, November 25 2024 - 9:31 PM

Ciel does not have mass and therefore cannot lose weight

44713: Gobo - Monday, November 25 2024 - 9:48 PM

I'm always right uwu

44714: Potatopeelerkind - Monday, November 25 2024 - 9:59 PM

Remember the Need-To-Know principle!

44715: Potatopeelerkind - Monday, November 25 2024 - 10:06 PM

Also, although Ciel doesn't look as nuts as she does here: https://www.neorice.com/hoh_noah_3309, she does have longer horns than the last time we saw her in her normal form: https://www.neorice.com/hoh_noah_3290

44716: Syhkane - Monday, November 25 2024 - 10:57 PM

I feel like all of you forgot the Grey Child took this specific Wish. Whatever happened was by his design not Ciel or Noah.

44718: Feddlefew - Tuesday, November 26 2024 - 12:02 AM

Hollowman could be Chernyle’s version of Ceil, I think? He doesn’t look like he has horns like other spirits (unless thats what the growths on his head are), but since his main ability is probably dream manipulation the entire haven incident might be the end result of Chernyle’s bound spirit bootstrapping his way into having a physical form.

Which could mean that Chernyle’s actual power was something like “project dreams into the physical realm” and Hollowman warped it into the horror we know it as.

44719: Alcemon - Tuesday, November 26 2024 - 3:25 AM

Man, poor Noah, now he doesn't get to be left alone in peace as he wants even when sleeping.

I wonder if each time he gets more powerful he will get more entities invading his mind space...he was right to avoid using his power all along

44720: EstherTb - Tuesday, November 26 2024 - 3:32 AM

Did Ciel always have horns?

44721: Tom - Tuesday, November 26 2024 - 3:50 AM

I'm so lost.

@Syhkane - I believe that the Grey Child asked Noah for a wish, but it would be up to Noah to use it.

44722: Mallory - Tuesday, November 26 2024 - 6:35 AM

Grey child can waltz in anytime and unleash this friend huh.

44723: Samniel - Tuesday, November 26 2024 - 9:28 AM

Ciel always had horns but they're certainly larger... and pointier

44724: oskarloko - Tuesday, November 26 2024 - 1:08 PM

Yeah, a little lost.
In the first pages of the comic, it is implied that day (a month) has passed since the Haven-nightmare incident.
Also the Hallowman says that he has been thinking about that day a handfull of times.
And know, Ciel and Noah talks about how Hallowman nightmares are a recurring theme.
Noah didn't seem aware at first, but later on he takes it like an annoyance.

So, my conclusions are:
- Noah saved Cheryl and Haven.
- The empire has made Veda the sole reposible of the situation, and 'exiled' (couldn't execute her)
- Hallowman somehow invaded Noah dreams, but Ciel imprisioned him.
- Hallowman tries to gain knowledge by using nightmares with Noah. He really hates Noah - and Ciel.
- As the dream seemed normal to Noah, it's easy to assume that he has returned to normality in his day-to-day

What of Mallhart and the other boys ?
What of Veda project ? And professor Null ?
Are the Elfs laying down for now ?


lots of questions, really

44725: Lord_Incaros - Tuesday, November 26 2024 - 1:42 PM

Okay, from what I've seen in Noah's archs and Tobi's, I'm guessing Ciel is a pandemonium spirit who perhaps forgot she was one, but now that she remembers her horns are a smidge bigger.

44727: Welf - Tuesday, November 26 2024 - 11:27 PM

Heh heh, Ciel got hornier.

It seems the Hollowman will become Noah's new head roommate. At least until he meets an Esper powerful enough to eliminate him with soul fire or some other shadowy figure that can kill spirits.

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